Night Lighting Hotfix 1.11.7 Dec 8th

First off I’m seeing improvements that are great:

  1. Building windows for downtown highrises are lite up much better
  2. Vegas is looking really good now

There was a blend of the ground light map with the city night lighting that worked much better prior to this latest update (Vegas was the best example). Not sure if it’s just me but something changed where it seemed it was scaled back a slight bit. What this has done is once again made the Highway lighting look overdone and somewhat overpowers the rest of the lighting on the ground (the highway/main street lighting actually is the area that could still use a tone down). Also it looks like the farther you get from the higher density main road lighting (higher altitude, ground distance) doesn’t decrease the lights like it did in the Dec 3rd patch making rural flying look somewhat as bad as before the Dec 3rd update. So in short what we had in the ‘Dec 3rd’ patch should be brought back outside of the improved building lighting in downtown areas like I mentioned above.

Last but not least please update the lighting in Disney World much the same way you did Vegas. Orlando in general could use an update as International Drive/Universal Studios is lite up comparable to Vegas, Fun Spot towers (both on International Drive and Kissimmee Old Town) you can see for miles, and downtown is lacking with the missing bridge on the 408 next to Orlando Executive airport (was hoping all this would have gotten addressed with the USA update). The Orlando Eye is missing, a key feature of the area. Orlando is the sister entertainment city to Vegas. One is for adults and the other for families. When you mention both places anywhere in the world people know them for what they uniquely offer.

Overall Great job with the updates Asobo! Many little modifications you don’t mention but we see them.


You know that the latest hotfix had nothing to do with any of that? :smile:


that’s right it did not

“Plasobo” effect :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s apparent some of us are either new or have been living under a rock. Asobo with each patch is always throwing in unannounced updates that are behind the scene. Some of these don’t work out like the Longitude Dolphin Dance, the wonderful wing rock, do to behind the scenes updates the LOD issue, and the over size buildings issue we had. The night lighting has been adjusted since December 3rd just like a few other things not mentioned. Most recent with the USA Update the Longitude was finally able to fly to it’s cruising altitude of 45,000ft without issue. This was not listed in any update notes. Heck, the Longitude has seen many modifications since August either directly or indirectly. That along with other things like weather and controller updates has been included with patches but not mentioned. The jokes on you for not realizing this… :wink:


I’m not too confident that was a patch thing; I’m pretty sure the lighting you’re describing is controlled by server side data, not client side data.

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I know what you mean but they have already said this will come in Dec 23 update. It could be as others mentioned server side data being adjusted

I’m surely enjoying these Microsobo effects on all :relaxed:

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Waiting for the unavoidable “performance improvement” threads :smile:


So what does today’s small update fix?

There was a recent update for the NVidia drivers that may have had an effect. If you run Experience you may find things look different every time you boot up. Don’t recommend it myself. Likes to do all kinds of things in the background so makes it very hard to get a baseline so you can make meaningful adjustments.

Placebo Da-mind-go, I guess!


The update was for improved support for third party add-ons.

At the top of the forum home page is a link for “NEWS”. I would make that your start page when logging in. Followed by the search page. Saves having to ask and wait for a response. Mostly, any question you can think of has been asked already and answers can be found under, “NEWS”, “SUPPORT” or the magnifying glass.

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So it’s just one update (the one from yesterday) rather than two (one yesterday and one today)?

I am asking because there is this post on twitter by the MSFS support page:

The tweet you linked, links to the Forum “NEWS” link posted yesterday indicating 11.7 coming. It just looks like whoever is running the twitter feed slept in yesterday.

Haha, Plasobo :joy:


In the last 2 day (Dec 08 & 09, 2020) there have been two updates. Dec 08 took you to the Microsoft store for the update. The one on Dec 09 was within the sim and very small and did not require a game restart.

I don’t know why others are saying otherwise.


And still no info on what this second patch fixes?

I assume some code

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See the announcements of the two patches here:

The second patch isn’t out yet (at least in my timezone)