No AI traffic lights or contrails

For a while now I am rarely seeing lights from AI traffic anymore. This regardless whether the AI traffic setting is real time or offline.

Occasionally I can spot an AI plane if I get really close, but I almost can’t remember the last time I was able to spot one in the distance.

Just flew in to EKCH last night with plenty of night time traffic and not a single blinking light anywhere :sleepy:

The same goes for contrails… in fact I have never seen any contrails in the sky in my sim.

I have gone through all my settings and I don’t think I have missed a tick somewhere.

Happy to hear any suggestions for fixes or things to try :crossed_fingers::pray:

Which traffic program are you using?

Hi, using Simple Traffic since it came out. From what I gather, that should not be an issue in this context? At least it wasn’t earlier…

I use FSLTL and have contrails and lights (well I did have last week). I’ll check again later when I’m home.

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I also use FSLTL and I see contrails and lights. I did have 1 day last week where traffic did not spawn at all. A restart of FSLTL fixed the issue.

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Checked tonight and both lights and contrails (where appropriate) in FSLTL too.

Thanks both… seems I need to give it a spin :+1:t2:

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