No ATC clearance for IFR flight

Yo! Would love the option to do it myself. Planning, filing, entering the flight plan into the avionics, and calling for clearance should all be on-demand, anytime, and able to be manual or automatic. I might decide to change plans at the last second and refile.


I have the same problem we have bad weather here in sweden and i canā€™t request IFR ad a controlled Airfield that is ifrā€¦ thats a little bit annoying :sweat_smile: (career mode)

Similar case here. Created the flight plan with the Simbrief app in EFB, imported the plan, then, with the plane on the runway, imported it into the planeā€™s EFB and also imported it into the MCDU, as well as the flight data (ZFW, GC etc.). I request an IFR flight from ATC, which authorizes me, assigning FL etc. Since the plane is on the runway, I wait for the menu to offer me to request takeoff clearance. It never happens. If I take off, ATC gets angry :angry: and says that I didnā€™t have permission to take off. I request flight control and it offers me two IFR control options, one with the old plan and one as the new one. Any choice remains unanswered.
The conversation with ATC is guided by AI, and the planes used are Airbus, a320 v2 and a330. Airports LFPG, LEMD, KJFKā€¦

I have the same issue

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You are right, Iā€™ve found the same thing of you. Did you need to manually enter your top flight altitude ? Itā€™s appear to not get it from the file (?)

Are you talking about simbrief or the default efb planner? I havent had to enter cruise alt in manually for simbrief flightplans yet although Im using the simbrief efb plugin to venerate and import the plan. I havenā€™t used the default planner enough to give you any advice. There is a field for cruise alt somewhere there though.

Iā€™m using like you simbrief web page and import the FP into FS

Download the simbrief efb plugin from your navigraph hub, it works very well now. They fixed the bug after the last sim patch where import wasnā€™t working.

You have everything simbrief has on the website but available in the new efb.

One button to generate and one to import to world map, and thatā€™s all you have to do.
You still have to select your departure airport and gate first though before importing the plan.

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Thanks a lot, will be tested on my next flight :hugs:

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same issue here !
I think my simbrief efb plugin is updated.
I will uninstall and reinstall it and try.

I have that problem with a G1000 planes. If I use a G1000 plane, I canā€™t do a clearance for IFR in ATC menu, but I can do it if other planes.

Obs. I can do it with a G1000NXi

Does anybody knows something about it?