No ATC improvements for 2024

Jorge just said it on the live steam. That’s very disappointing and concerning :worried:

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The most needed improvement to ATC is in each aircraft.cfg file where the correct model, type and airline callsign can all be entered with very little effort if the livery painters could be bothered.

One more reason to use SayIntentions - I’m not exaggerating when I say this has improved immersion for me more than any other add-on or feature.


Xbox users are left with nothing but the train wreck of the old ATC system. How can they not improve a core feature and then ask us for $70. For what? A new map?


Personal Comments and Observations

There’s a bit more to the story.

Pay now. Hope later.


I watched the brief ATC section from the dev stream.

Jorg did not say “No ATC improvements for 2024” I want to be clear that those words were not said.

In fact he said they would have people from Asobo and Working Title to come on a future stream to talk about some of the ATC work they did.

Now, I have no idea if there are significant changes or a whole-sale rewrite, but I absolutely did not hear him say “no improvements.”


Its pretty cool you can now have your own voice as the voice of your pilot avatar, plus localisation voices. No more bad generic American accents everywhere.


Those were my words because that’s what I took from the conversation. Any improvements were going to be in a future update.

I know we are told the correct ai traffic models will be in the game (we have seen static images of lots of variations parked up) but on some of the preview videos, the traffic itself often looks like its moving around airports weirdly, through buildings etc.

I know this is not ATC strictly but it is linked because IF ATC isn’t improved then AI traffic will also suffer

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You’ve got to be more careful what you write. Your first post literally says “Jorg said…”

This is how misinformation starts.

It seems once Working Title is complete on the flight planning rewrite, real ATC improvements will be possible.


I’m guessing a deal fell through with SayIntentions or beyond ATC. I’m just not a big believer of we’ll fix it in a future update. They’ve had 4 years to fix it.


I took from the conversation that the guys from Working Title were going to be on in a future dev Q+A to discuss the work they’re doing on the ATC.


Personal Comments and Observations

SI and BATC were never in play, because they couldn’t work with Live Traffic. Count how many times my comments were quietly "hear-hear"ed by First Parties close to the process and it’s easy to read the tea-leaves.

The bottom line is nothing is going to improved at release which was my main point. I think we were all hoping for a little more, especially Xbox users.

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As mentiond, this is not what was said. At about 1:01:00 into the developer stream Jorg said, “Asobo made improvements. Working Title made improvmenents.”


The stuff I mentioned earlier about the voices is a pretty big improvement on its own in my opinion. The main reason I don’t really use ATC in the current version is the lack of voice localisation is just such an immersion breaker for me.

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This. Absolutely! After I began using SayIntentions I had zero care about MSFS 2024’s default ATC because I knew it would be as far from SI as Pluto is from the Sun.

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Here are the words transcribed by Google voice to text and manually corrected by me after listening to it several times:

“What ATC improvements can we expect in 2024 onward.”

“I mean there are some. Asobo made improvements, Working Title made improvements, I think what we’re going to do is actually probably bring in one of those guys in a future session; so there have been improvements I would say if that’s on your mind the things that Say Intentions or Beyond ATC is currently trying to do we looked at it and we’re not doing this at launch. It’s good ideas that they have so we’re curious how good that all works, but there are improvements but lets have Chris and somebody from Asobo actually walk us through it.”


Saying “some” and not mentioning anything doesn’t give me any confidence.