No forth road bridge rail bridge or Queensferry crossing. Any explanations?

Any idea why there are no forth bridges up here in Scotland??

It has not been modelled is all. Not included in any photogrammetry set. Potentially any UK focused update could resolve it, as and if and when they decide to focus on it.

Maybe a modder may take it on.

Oh right. I thought bing were utilising real world maps. Oh well the wait begins. Cheers.

A modder has taken it on. Try this Edinburgh scenery, which includes the bridges:


it seems bing isnt that great. The sim requires 3d models of each element to depict it within the sim and if bing doesent actually have it, then it wont be in the sim.

Having also found the sim isnt using the latest version of the maps available, it wont show it either.

Theres loads missing in reality - no Severn bridge, number bridge etc. Im sure they will come in time.