No landing gears visible on other players' A320 aircraft

How do you get to those settings for multiplayer?

It should be under Graphics Settings, and scroll down until you get to the option of Use Generic Model for mutiplayer. Set this to OFF.

You have to do this on both of your systems, yours and your friends’.

Hah, I was actually watching my friend’s broadcast of a landing, and upon toucdown the sound was different like a loud screeching sound. That’s when we realised he forgot to deploy the landing gear, and the warning didn’t go off. But it counted as a landing by MSFS standards and not a crash.

This is a bug. Sometimes you see the gear and sometimes not.

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Remember the old adage: “Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.”





Thank you!

Looks like an LOD issue. Have you tried increasing the Objects LOD slider and make sure you don’t set multiplayer to use Generic model?

I have LOD at 200 but i have generic mp aircrafts - i might change that next time for a try

I get it with 200, and generic plane models off. Usually seen while watching aircraft landing, but occasionally on the ground as well.

Sometimes the landing gear is visible just very short before touchdown-no matter if LOD is 100 or 200. if i zoom in and out sometimes it’s going to be visible, then it stays or disappears after a few seconds… if the plane is too far away the landing gear is also not showing up - i dont know there is definitely something wrong with the landing gear → object lod thing. If i use generic aircraft models it s even worse!


still not fixed :see_no_evil:

Still not fixed for every other plane out there :woozy_face:
It’s a massiv immersion killer on twitch with multiplayer sessions.

Meanwhile, my multiplayer aircraft had their landing gear down the whole way for PMDG 737-700:

I see from the fs2024 preview video this is still not fixed. Ai aircraft taxing with no gears from a short distance. Even worse in VR. I have a bad feeling about this.