No matter what airport I choose to spawn at it loads me into KPDX

I’m on steam, i9 10850k rtx 3080

No matter what airport I select to spawn at it just brings me to KPDX. How do I fix this??

Not sure it will help, but if you have any saved flights or plans, delete them?

Nope no saved flights at all. I’m now uninstalling the whole sim and trying again

Have you been in a Multiplayer session? A group flight?


Not in months. This just happened. I flew last night just fine. Started up the sim and try to fly at different airports then it just downs me at KPDX. I’m reinstalling the whole sim right now to see if that helps

Let’s hope a full reinstall resolves this issue

Before you reinstall, do you have any non-ascii characters in your Windows user account?

If so, please see:

Not even sure what that means. This literally happened overnight. I finished my flight then closed the game and shut down the pc. I then went to play this morning and couldn’t spawn in the airport I selected just KPDX

Got it! So it was working fine prior to that.

In that topic I linked, see if deleting the default saved flights might let you select a new airport. Those files will rebuild.

Link to post of files to delete:

Reinstall fixed it

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Interesting, I wonder what the cause was. :thinking:

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Unfortunately, we will never know now, unless someone else gets the same issue, and the exact cause can be identified.

A full Re-install, while fixing the issue, is taking a “Sledge Hammer” to “Crack a Walnut” .