No new aerials 2024?!

Seedy, chewy, someone- can you please help get a confirmed answer on this

This is from today I had sent in some feedback in questions to the support team and specifically asked about the aerials. It looks like they are indeed delayed.

“Hi Chris,

This is not something that we at MSFS Support can fix for you currently. We shared your previous messages as feedback.

The new imagery has been delayed and will be released once it is ready.

I do not know if the Chicago area will get added photogrammetry. This has never been promised. There was supposed to be new imagery added in MSFS / MSFS 2024 by the end of this year, but that has been delayed due to the MSFS 2024 release.

Adding new imagery is not a simple process. All this must go through thorough testing. When it is ready for release, it will be released.

@Vibstronium fyi

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Just wanted to add, if they really want the new trees and seasons systems to pop, there needs to be a project to systematically filter the trees out of the photogrammetry being used and only use the new trees.

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