Hey folks - quick question. Whatever happened to the North America update? Was that ever released? I thought that was update 5 - but I didn’t notice any fancy title screen changes or anything. If its out is there a list of what was changed or added?
I thought the developers told us the world updates would be every 3 or 4 months, don’t ever remember seeing it being said it was due out in update 5.
Update 7… towards the end of November.
Thats what I thought but then I thought I read it was in update 5. Took a short hiatus from the sim for a bit while some bugs were being sorted out so wasn’t sure what I missed.
Fair enough in those circumstances it’s understandable you wasn’t sure.
As of the 5 November roadmap, they aren’t showing the USA update with patch 6. Hopefully they’ll clarify it in the next couple of roadmap updates or the monthly dev Q&A.
According to the last Dev Q&A, the North American update is coming in the next update.
@CaseBug92496684 is correct: Update 7.
From what I understood, we’re getting a few airports, DFW included, and maybe some city enhancements? I don’t know the extent of the update though. The whole country? Better imagery? Does anyone know?
I’m looking forward to it, but don’t want to set expectations too high either.
I heard they have new better resolution terrain data (elevation and grid), so that would probably be for the whole country. Not 100% confirmed on that though.
Hopefully it’ll be of the same quality as the Japan update, though obviously North America is a lot bigger so who knows
After finally trying out random places in Japan I’m not holding my breath. Textures everywhere looked like some free scenery for FSX. If it’s going to be the case with the US then I probably won’t even notice any difference