Not sure if I have the USA update properly installed?

Haven’t had much time to play recently due to the launch of an expansion for another game so I didn’t really get in the sim since the USA update. Updated to the new Sim Update today though and I’m wondering if I have an issue. I had downloaded the previous updates, but I didn’t realize there was a USA update package in the marketplace like Japan had. The marketplace has a Buy button and a Buy & Download button. That 2nd was grayed out and it says it requires 1.11.6 version to use.

I clicked the Buy button anyway, then 4 airports, building update, and POI update showed up in the content manager and I downloaded them. Now the Marketplace says I own it, but there’s still a grayed out Download button. The Japan update and the livery pack both just have a link to go to the content manager. The USA update has that and the grayed out Download button.

I have a similar issue when trying to add the stock KDEN airport. I’m not too alarmed because I have the Flightbeam KDEN addon, so I don’t lose too much sleep over it, but it’s an issue.

They seem to have fixed it to check for 1.11.6 or above. I saw a Bug Report post on this and someone mentioned it was working today. Just jumped in and sure enough “Download” shows up now it’s it’s downloading in the marketplace page. About 1.1GB. Still have to check content manager for any other updates to it.