Not synchronizing other player's planes is immersion shattering and a missed opportunity

I absolutely love flying in multiplayer and being able to see what other simmers around me are up to. It makes the experience feel much more alive.

What really brakes this for players like me it’s that even with the right settings the client won’t synchronize other player’s planes properly and instead will replace them with generic aircraft. This seems to happen even with 1st party aircraft.

I think since most assets are streamed in 2024 and since there is a centralized marketplace it makes no sense not to synchronize the planes. I am tired of seeing cessnas making 500kt or some boeing flying VFR at 4000ft. I think enabling us to see other player’s aircraft be it 1st or 3rd party would really enhance the experience.



This is called model matching. There are several topics about this on the forum already if you wanted to read up and vote.

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I found and liked all of them, many were archived. Thanks for the tip didn’t know it was called that way

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