November 28, 2024 Development Update Blog Discussion

All I know is that with TLOD at 400, as soon as I get slightly away from the ground the, ground textures look so so blurry compared to 2020 that it looks like a massive step backwards.

This is even if I let the sim sit for ages and download all the data, I can monitor this in the dev mode and can tell when it has all the data because it isn’t then downloading more, but it still looks poor compared to 2020.

MSFS 2024 of course looks great when actually parked on the ground or in Photographer mode or whatever it is, quite why that is in a flight sim I will never know, but that is a different matter.


I wonder if things like grass, rocks, and plants are part of the issue. They can look great up close, but as you get far away, they do seem to kinda blur a texture.

I haven’t minded this as I kinda imagine the texture when I see it, but it might be the blur others perceive.

I wonder if turning grass or other details down or off would have a positive effect and make textures look more like 2020 from that height.

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Interesting idea.

Never seen anything anywhere near as crisp as this in 2024.

But so hard to tell from a screenshot on a forum.


And I am getting better fidelity on 2024 than 2020 on my system. :woman_shrugging:

Or I am not perceiving as blur what others are perceiving as blur.

And the most annoying part, the textures may be fine, it could be any number of things adding a blur for some users.

Sometimes folks post, “Blurry” pictures and I think they look great, or pics of high detail that I think look washed out. You are right. Pics on forums and viewed through phones are imperfect.

But I do see what you mean in the picture you posted.

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The blurry ground textures are clearly connected to the server issues. And there were plenty updates on that.

Then even low down like this in 24, look at the textures…

Almost all if that is viewed through a spinning prop and I wonder if that isn’t a lot of the added blur. I love that plane.

Still fuzzy/blurry etc from external, with no prop in the way!!

Anyway probs not the place for this!

Probably not. There is a blurry textures thread you might love.

Before I see you there, I may as well tell you I notice the shadows and perhaps the new grasses and grains adding a textured blur. I like it, but I think this is what is driving folks like you up the wall.

And thank you for adding a prop free photo.


Here is the thread.


No problem. It is nice to have a discussion without people getting annoyed. I wish more could just discuss our hobby and have different opinion and be polite and respect.


That would include all Xbox users. A pretty big portion of the users.

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Absolutely zero change here, over an hour to load into an airport, blurry Minecraft mess, over a week now and still can’t play!!
I guess I must be in that 1% for which things aren’t working still, I always had great respect for Asobo and what they have done for flight simulator but I hate being lied to!

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Hello @TOGPixella,

Are you currently (or have you ever previously) used the mod for MSFS 2020 which changes the map data source? We have seen many people report that fully removing this mod from their computer and un-doing the changes it makes to the Windows hosts file resolves the situation you are describing in addition to frequent “low bandwidth” message. We have posted more details here:

That’s a troubleshooting tip to try if you haven’t already done so. Additionally, several players have also reported that synching their Windows time has resolved issues with long loading times. There are instructions on our Zendesk support page here:



'Until we identify which content is causing these issues, we will temporarily deactivate all MSFS 2020 non-aircraft content from MSFS 2024."

Too bad.

My Newark Airport has been working great in FS2024
just like it did in FS2020.
Now it is blocked.

Oh well.

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SO! … When all this is fixed and the game is in a good place finally, could we please get a brand new loading screen with a different video and music track please???
As the current one, especially this song is giving me PTSD. :rofl:


Never had any map mods, I don’t have any mods installed on 2024 either atm, all vanilla. Time was fine but looks like it hadn’t synced in months so I did a sync now and to my surprise booting the game was very fast this time, promising!! :crossed_fingers:
Unfortunately my hopes that this was going to fully resolve things were quickly dashed. :unamused: :unamused: Loading the map to pick a parking spot takes ages, loading into the airport takes ages and once loaded things aren’t actually loaded at all! Gave it a good 10-15 minutes but still little to nothing further had loaded.

This is LAX btw.

Oh and going back to main menu, still a CTD every time as well.


Wellcome to the 0,001 percent club!
We are surprisingly many here.
And yes, hosts file checked.



Have you tried deleting your rolling cache and possibly also deleting the StreamedPackages folder? After doing that, the first load will be a bit long as it will be downloading all the packages again, but should be back to"normal" after that.

This shpuld resolve any loading issues with corrupted packages downloaded during the server issues around launch date. I found it fixed lots of issues i had with aircraft and sounds and improved dramatically the load into flight time.

I’d recommend anyone who is having material aircraft issues (sound,missing wings etc) to do this. And probably good practice for anyone really.