I have some reading to do, clearly.
Yes I have. That activates Beta landing reversers, as it should do when the engines are powered.
Currently, even with fuel shutoff and no electrics active, the props keep on turning forever.
You are referring to In Flight ??
NOT On ground shutdown ?
No, I’m referring to ground shutdown after taxiing from runway to the ramp. Shutdown procedure completed, all power is off, ALL electrics and avionics are off, all fuel is off and valves closed…but still the props go on rotating. If I pull the levers through their stop, the props still reverse, which is of course impossible withe everything shutdown.
Then perhaps there is a setting or assignment in your system causing this ?
I am Not trying to pass the buck but its Not reproducible here
I can shut down the engines JUST by cutting fuel and they stop spinning regardless of any other control… Throttle or Prop Lever
Whats the wind speed ??
Maybe they’re Windmilling ?
I’ve seen this behaviour on other planes. You could only do it once or twice then it stopped working, and I think they were simulating, either on purpose or by accident, oil pressure leaving the hub, which has been shown to not be a thing here with this plane.
IF you pull the levers all the way back to FEATHER / CUTOFF then they should simply Feather … and er Stop ?
I’ll run a test tomorrow and just leave it after shutdown and see if the props eventually come to a stationary position.
Either way, it’s a great aircraft simulation in all its various configurations and I’m delighted with my purchase and will recommend it to others.
If you can get that hPa/inches setting option sorted, it would be even better. Many thanks for taking the time to investigate.
this will not happen … the prop levers Must be pulled all the way back to Feather / Cutoff
Understood. Thanks.
Unexpected gem. Wasn’t sure what I was getting but am pleased.
The altimeter in the BN2T defender shows the correct altitude on the altimeter clock hands but the setting numbers (that you change with the Baro knob on the steam guage altimeter) are way out. I have pressed the B key to set them but have also checked the Metar.
At EGJJ tonight the metar gives 1019hPa. The elevation of the airport is 280’ which is shown correctly by the steam guage ‘clock’ hands but the baro setting dial numbers show 1040hPa. Meanwhile, the Garmin multi-function display shows 30.09 (which is correct) and the correct elevation for the airport, whilst the steam guage altimeter adjustable baro settings on the ‘clock’ says 30.71.
Is there any way of correcting or calibrating the steam guage altimeter so that it shows the same correct numbers as the Garmin multi-function display? The clock hands are correct but the baro setting numbers are not and do not correspond with the Garmin MFD. Thanks.