NOW RELEASED - Shorts Sd3-30 / Sd3-60 and Sherpa project from Blackbox

Thank you very much, Hobanagerik! I’m not found this LVAR-variables for my SPAD in Shorts. And now I can do setup AP full.

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Coming soon from CRZ Studio

SD360 Livery Pack

also a squadron of 330’s to follow :slight_smile:


Hells yeah! Lets put some different makeup on that flying manatee!

I haven’t voted in the top 10 in awhile (will have to soon) but this bird will be in my top 10 for sure, I do enjoy flying her.

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This is going to be payware, right?

I can only assume your referring to the livery pack ??
But Yes … correct

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Yes, yes, livery pack of course.

Maybe I have missed it, but are there anywhere performance charter available?

For the attention of anyone who hasn’t yet taken the Shorts Regional Plunge :slight_smile:

Shorts Regional Premium - $37.99 - euro equiv 34.99
Shorts Regional Sd330 - $21.70 - euro equiv 19.99
Shorts Regional Sd360 - $21.70 - euro equiv 19.99
Shorts Regional Sherpa - $21.70 - euro equiv 19.99

this will take effect immediately as a permanent price reduction on both BBS Website and The Marketplace


Literally can’t think of a better plane for €20, well worth it


I have all of your other planes, but just didn’t have enough of a ‘relationship’ with the Shorts to spend the original price on it. Wasn’t a plane I’d paid much attention to other than seeing the AA commuters and marveling at how the Brits make the most… er… “distinctive looking…” planes.

But now you’ve got the single planes into “impulse purchase” range! I hope this does well for you. I know it has closed at least one more sale — buying it as soon as I get back to my sim PC!

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I snapped and bought the Sd360 through the market place and then grabbed the Bn2 to go with the Trislander. Now Ive a got a happy Blackbox hanger virtually at CYGT.

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Now we’re talking. This is the price range that matches what I’ve seen from this aircraft and where I’m going to take the plunge. Thank you!


That got me wonder whether 330 or 360 is better for the same price :joy:

Yep The 330 will be the St.Pattys treat for me.

Apparently it’s not available on the website? These four are all I can see there:

Price reductions in relatively new products make the ones that bought it early feel really stupid.

I believe this is a trend with Blackbox as I also felt stupid the few times I asked a question.

Lesson learned: Next time don’t buy it early or maybe don’t buy it at all.


Still there :

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Yes, I did wonder about that.

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Any ETA on implementing VR-zoom?

Bought the Premium day one and while not happy with the price-drop, maybe finally adding such basic functionality could sweeten my deal a bit.

Ah, found it on the main page. It’s completely missing from the products page, though. Something to fix for the webmaster.

Look at it this way: you paid an amount for it that you thought was worth it. There are always price reductions or at least sales down the line. Paying a higher price is always the additional cost of getting something right away.