Objects losing color, what happened?


after playing a bit with my MS-Settings I recognized that objects like houses lose color even if they are close. And in general the whole scenery looks worse than before.

Here is an example of Venezia:

I tried to adjust all settings but it didn’t help to get it look as before.

Maybe you know a solution for that?

Kind regards!

Not sure about the colours being washed out, could be an HDR issue?
But it also looks like you have got bing data and/or photogrammetry turned off. Check that they are still on in the data settings.


Hello XTCQuinn,

thank you for your answer! Bing Data were really turned off :wink:
It works again!


Glad to be of assistance :slight_smile: :+1:

And another example of FS2020 changing settings out from under users without any notice of what happened, and without requesting permission.

All it takes is server slowness or network congestion and FS2020 silently disables Bing data on its own.

FS2020 should NOT do this.