OBSOLETE: Develop HTML gauges with live sim data

I just found this thread and I’d also be interested in seeing/studying the project.

We’ll be documenting this more as we go. Right now it’s really only working if you have an aircraft project and set it up to work with it, but I will work on supporting running instruments belonging to built aircraft packages such as the default aircraft.

Hi Holland. I only just saw your post above but you deleted it between when I saw and when I prepared the repo. :slight_smile:

Here I have everything from the earlier pipeline updated for SU 4 or 5, but without the bridge component that had sim performance issues.

This is probably the most relevant part: https://github.com/davuxcom/msfs-gauges-dev/blob/master/static/SDK/VCockpitExternal.js

This is the component that gets loaded: https://github.com/davuxcom/msfs-gauges-dev/blob/master/src/IESI/IESI.js

If you have questions you can find me on Discord. I don’t visit the forums much anymore so I don’t see new messages right away.

Thanks a lot!

Yeah, managed to somehow edit it instead of posting a new message and got confused and didn’t realize that Ideleted that particular message xD

This is very much appreciated. Have a good day!

If someone could use this to tie into mirror a plane’s displays (like a G1000, 3000, G3X, etc, various touch screens) outside of the sim in a standalone window (not a Chrome / web browser window) that cockpit builders could access, this would be a game changer. Particularly if it carried over the touch components of things like the G3X, TBM’s touch panels, PMS50 GTN750, etc. We could have the equivalent of “popped out” instruments without the significant performance hit that comes with it.

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