Ocean water color

Do you guys feel that the color of ocean water is a bit dull and not deep blue like it should be aside from tropical areas

It feels right to me. :slight_smile:

water color can vary from place to place. I have done a lot of sailing and have seen the water from light blue and cloudy, crystal clear, deep blue, or muddy color. It all depends on how deep, what rivers flow into it near by and what the bottom is like. The waters near Key West is different from the Bahamas and different from the Caribbean and different from the Pacific Northwest

. The first one is in the Bahamas, the next one is near Key West The third is another Bahamas pic, the forth one is about 600 miles offshore on the way to Bermuda

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I agree. The water is green off San Diego. Should be blue.

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The water color comes from Bing Maps aerial imagery rather than Flight Simulator created scenery, so we’re at the mercy of its color accuracy. There’s a place off the coast of Brazil where the sea is purple even due to bad color rendition on Bing.

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