Oculus CV1 : The more I switch VR<->monitor the more the sim slow down

This is new :
I use to benchmark a lot and changes settings, so I switch monitor <-> VR a lot of time in the same session. For that I always set my 2D settings to windowed 1280x700 to alt-tab easily or click outside (after switching the sim to monitor), and change VR settings in oculus debug tool, and get back, switch to VR, etc.
Doing this from yesterday and the sim each time lose fps in monitor version (and less in VR) starting from 60fps to less than 10 fps. Menu, sim, mouse hoovering, etc. take that deep dig in fps, all are slowest each time, until unusable. So I have to quit to restore all. It happen quickly, after few switch.

Look like something dirty is not released when switching, or we have a memory leak or similar.
I saw WMR user had this problem due to the WMR portal but I never had it with my Oculus rift CV1 from the very first VR tests I made months ago.

In any case this is brand new from the yesterday update.

Edit : So trying to optimize settings in sim and outside become undoable, frustrating…

It’s been like that since the first VR update for me and WMR/SteamVR, something in the program hogs resources mixed with one of the VR apps doing the same.

I’ve found that sometimes if you leave it alone for a minute or two or settles back down, or a complete VR App shutdown and restart also does the trick or if not then a full restart of everything is required.

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I saw this problem occurs for other headset, but it’s really new for my Oculus. for the last months I spend hours doing this to optimize and check settings : put the headset on my desk with something to trigger the proximity sensor, so I can work on optimization and tests using the monitor only, then launch the sim, switch in VR, switching to monitor, change VR settings, go outside changing Oculus Supersampling, go back in sim, switch it in VR, monitor each component and check fps, etc.
Yesterday I saw this new issue and confirmed this morning, that from the first switch VR to monitor the problem begin, and after 3 or 4 switch it’s unusable, monitor menu at less than 10fps and VR sim very low too.
This, and the spikes fixed are the only 2 differences I noted so far with the new update, I didn’t go to UK to check the World update :wink:

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