OculusRift S, OpenXR and Standalone MSFS FS - so why does SteamVR run? - solved but new problems emerge

I have the standalone version of MSFS. I understand that the Rift S should be able to use VR on MSFS natively via its own implementation of OpenXR. I have changed the relevant registry key to point to the Oculus OpenXR runtime.

Can someone please explain to me why then SteamVR starts every time I start the sim (whether Steam is running or not)? This is my first experience of VR so I’m a newbie to the technicalities. But I don’t understand why SteamVR is needed at all but always launches and seems to sit between the headset and the sim, crashing frequently.

I have numerous issues with VR on MSFS. Framerate is bad - expected. But I have numerous crashes and 3 times in four it doesn’t even make it to the welcome screen with the headset plugged in…

Hope someone can help please. I’m going nuts here.

Running on a 9900K, 3080 FE and 32 Gb RAM. Samsung 960 EVO M.2


I have solved this - I had not changed the correct key to point to the oculus runtime rather than SteamVR which has been the default.

But now I have big black squared on the top right of my screen - and the recenter does not work properly. It puts the display way out from an eyes front position.

Any ideas please? Also still crashing. HDR is disabled.

Turn on “Public Test Channel” under after you launch your Oculus app. Small download that should fix your problem.

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