Official Discussion: Upcoming Hotfix Announcement


In SU5, you also promised to fix plane behaviour when approach mode is activated (plane, especially a320, cutting flightplan and moving directly to the FAF or rwy instead of following the whole approach procedure in the flightplan). Is it something which will be fixed in this hotfix2 or is it delayed ?

Good to hear you are listening to us. Thank you!

One sure CTD is when you’re loaded in on the ground and switch flight control presets (I usually switch preset for joystick and throttle quadrant). It works if you have not started the flight.

Will the broken antialiasing in VR be fixed in this as well. With SU5, the graphics in Reverb G2 and other headsets have been plagued with shimmering, jagged lines that we have not seen in the previous updates.


Most dealbreaking bugs/issues (for me personally) seem to be listed here. Looking forward to it!

Any news on the AI CTD?

  • Sim may crash when flying with AI traffic
    • Workaround:
      • Set AI Traffic settings off by going to General > Traffic > Aircraft Traffic Type > OFF

on social ive got banned in a couple of groups because i talk about the downgraded graphic
“you are a flamer, game is stunning!!”" etc etc



Thank you. The hotfix sounds very promising. Looking forward to it

They can’t. It’s already optimized for both Xbox. Series X already has greater graphic settings than Series S.

Hopefully Asobo will work closer with the third party devs this time and give them plenty of time to make sure their addons work with the WU6 fixes.

Thank you for communicating. Will it be a patch or a fix? Let’s go for a fix and take the time to test it.

Rome was not build in a day.

I have seen a lot of CTDs when starting from a non-runway position in the WORLD UI.

This is easy to reproduce and MUST be fixed.

I think this guy pretty much sums up how quite a few users are feeling:


One question that was not addressed was the server issue.
I would like to know why downloading scenery was never higher than 300kbps to 600kbps? Before I was getting 3 Mbps to 54Mbps. Was it a server issue or something other?


I have never gotten below 212 MBps ever.

Each new download would start at some low number but would continue to climb up.

A very short file would not climb up as far as a long file.

400MBps from my ISP.

Edit: I should have stated: East Coast USA

This is mainly for PCs with memory to spare, just like how it used to be on PC, the sim would literally use up all the memory you had (or close to it :stuck_out_tongue: )

I have 32GB and it literally would use 27GB at times!


Thanks mate - don’t underplay your own role and patience though - sometimes you went above and beyond on that score :grin:

Thanks, Jayne!

Hope they fix the airport lighting as well. Beacons are not showing up or popping on instantly at around 1.5 NM, taxiway lights are non existent or flickering.

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Not only have Asobo said they’re going to fix the bugs they’ve gone further and said that they will add more options to allow the end user to customise the sim to their liking.

This is good news and I for one hope it works as this is real progress and will hopefully give us a sim that is even better than post SU4.


Wheres the replay function?