Oh my beloved temple is gone. Please come back I'm sorry

In Kathmandu the Changu Narayan Temple is now gone. Was there before the UK update but sadly now it’s gone. I’m heart broken. Some how and slowly my community folder is becoming a waste basket with each update. If you see my temple laying around anywhere please let me know or return it ASAP! There’s a free cookie for the one who restores it.


UPDATE. The lost Temple Changu Narayan has now returned home after the most recent sim updates. It was taken by the team and was not something in my community folder that got broken as the result of a sim update. To MSFS team. Do not steal my Temple every again. Hands off. In fact when you do a final test for sim update, go and make sure it’s not missing, if it is then the update is not ready for us.

Stay safe,

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