Old Airports

I fly around my hometown of Indianapolis on occasion, and I always laugh a bit when I see old Speedway Airport listed, which closed over 20 years ago. :slight_smile: The remnants of the airport are still visible, and the Brickyard VORTAC is just north of the airfield.

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I also get a kick out of old abandoned airfields too, especially military. I love studying their history which I am now documenting in a YouTube channel. There certainly is no shortage of them. One of the beauties of MSFS is that the scenery is so good that they appear clearly within the Sim. Cheers.

Seeing abandoned airfields in the sim is pretty cool, but airports that have been abandoned for 20 years probably shouldn’t be available for use.

This site has some cool history of abandoned airfields.


I generally shun deactivated airports, but I do have a Meigs Field addon as it means so much to me from previous incarnations of the sim.

The only other one I use is Filton as whilst it has been closed for some time, both the airfield and airspace exist in msfs and I live within the boundary of the circuit.


Vorrei poter inserire nel gioco tutta una serie di idroscali in disuso sparsi per il mondo che renderebbero molto più interessante l’uso degli idrovolanti. Per poter fare questo bisognerebbe avere una mappa geografica molto più dettagliata e con inserite la longitudine e la latitudine

Io ho creato l’aeropoto di Zelavja (Croazia). Ex base militare di Tito. In futuro diventerà il Nuovo Aeroporto Internazionale di Bihac. Curioso che adesso si chiama Aeroporto di Zelavja (Croazia), in futuro Bihac (Bosnia),

Crazy seeing Speedway airport and the photo of the old hangars. That is a blast from the past, and never thought I would come across mention of it. I had my first ride in a small airplane (Luscombe) at that airport. Use to cut grass at that FBO on the weekends and wash airplanes in hopes of getting flight time. Then a tornado came through and knocked down those t-hangars. So I got a job working line service at Eagle Creek where I learned to fly. Also, seeing that ATA 727 in your profile pic is another reminder of years past, as my dad use to fly for them. Thanks for sharing!

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My Dad worked in finance at ATA for 18 years. I worked a couple of summers in the mail room then two years on ata.com after college.

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