openControl - ATC Community


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Our software is now fully compatible with FS2020!

Welcome to openControl! :smiley: We are a free, worldwide virtual air traffic control service provided to pilots made exclusively for the flight simulation community.

Founded originally as a UK-dedicated network, openControl has eventually expanded globally - offering ATC worldwide. With 5 active divisions to choose from, we boast an excellent opportunity for pilots and controllers to participate in a community of friendly aviation enthusiasts alike! :airplane:

Next Event: 2020-12-09T19:00:00Z - “Fully Staffed Stansted”

openControl’s controller training programme makes it possible for controllers to effectively control Ground, Tower, Approach, Area Control and more… With training optional up to Tower level, anyone can control in a matter of minutes.

Pilots can earn ratings by flying on our network, with examinations available to test your skills once you reach a certain level.

Our Mission: Provide regular and realistic ATC around the globe, and to bring another level to your experience on flight simulator. We look forward to seeing you in the air - happy landings!