OpenXR Toolkit, Remove it in MSFS2024 (I am not sure?)

I’ve mentioned that to Guy a few times (and even to my previous team at Microsoft who’s working on the “new” Mixed Reality for Quest thing).

What VD’s sharpening is doing is applying sharpening post-decoding on the headset. This is nice, but I have also experimentally proven that superior quality is achieved when also doing sharpening pre-encoding. The result is a less compressible image (more bandwidth) but also a sharper experience.

There is however such thing as “too much sharpening”, but with something like CAS 50-70% pre-encoding and CAS 50-70/Link Sharpening “normal” post-encoding seemed to work best for me.


That seems like a really low resolution for a 4090 and with DLSS. Is that because FS24 VR performance is so bad or were you running such low resolutions in 2020 too?

In 2020 I go to around 5000xXXXX or more for 45fps with DLSS.

It s not great, I was running 4000 x XXXX in fs2020, mostly to keep it at 45 at all time and avoid stutter spikes in the motion rig telemetry. It’s more annoying than the visual ones

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Yup, I don’t use sharpening in DCS. I totally agree, it’s weird. I also agree that oversharpening can be bad, but in this case I felt compelled to cranck it up to 100…

Also for me this tool still make a huge difference for smothness also in fs2024.
Just a question… in the menu some texts are not readable when the toolkit is on.
Is there any parameter I can change to fix it?

Most likely the result of foveated rendering? It wasn’t applied correctly to menus in 2020, and I assume it’s the same problem in 2024. Without integration into the engine, it’s difficult to identify menu rendering from left/right view rendering :frowning:

I’ve done a couple of flights with OXRT on w/o crashing, and apparently it was due to Foveated rendering + DLSS

So all good.

In my case, VRS RTV is around 3~400 in 2024, and it was above 1000 is 2020.

The perf gain is less noticeable than in 2020.

For now the biggest advantage is being able to keep it on because I very much fly 2020 still, and they share the same settings.

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Weird, in my venture back to 2020 today I was shocked how much better the menus look. But it’s because they made VR windows. In 2024 it’s just a small, flat projection.

Do you use PimaxXR Companion or the Pimax Play’s own OpenXR implementation?

Is it possible that the Pimax Play’s own OpenXR implementation is causing crashes when used in conjunction with the Toolkit or do you think it’s more DLSS with the Toolkit ?

EDIT: I just flew for more than 60 minutes with PimaxXR Companion and the toolkit re-enabled, using DLSS on Quality and it went perfectly. As smooth as butter. Constant 40 to 45 FPS even with TLOD going as up to 250. So I’m guessing the real problem comes from using Pimax Play’s implementation of OpenXR with the toolkit and DLSS that were causing my crashes. Also make sure to always have the latest DLSS version (3.8.10 at the moment).

When I observed CTDs with OXR Tookit enabled, it was when using Pimax Play’s built-in OpenXR runtime. I haven’t used the PimaxXR companion since Pimax Play was updated to have its own internal implementation. Maybe I’ll try again using mbucchia’s PimaxXR companion + OpenXR Toolkit to see if the CTDs persist.

Yeah you really should. I think mbucchia’s implementation through PimaxXR Companion is still better than Pimax’s own implementation anyway. It’s a shame really… How I wish he was still involved, I would gladly pay for that.


It’s really weird, AFAICT what Pimax did is integrate PimaxXR directly into Pimax play, so there shouldn’t be any difference in behavior.

Hey Matt, because I’m currently forced to use steamVR (as opposed to native runtime), I tried out FPSVR for the first time and noticed its frametime numbers don’t line up at all with OXRTK stats. Are they both just estimates, or what could be the reason?

I’m also observing a weird effect (independent of FPSVR) where fps seems to be capped at 45, even with no frame caps active, unless I enable Turbo mode, at which point the FPS moves “freely” beyond 45 again. Any idea what this could be, have you ever seen anything like this?

Also, Turbo mode seems to mess up the FPSVR gpu stats, where FPSVR starts claiming something like 0.3ms frametimes. I guess this is expected behavior, just curious what the reason might be?

I really do not believe OpenXR from Pimax Play app together with the OpenXR Toolkit causes crashes.

I have been using latest Pimax Play version, and OpenXR from it together with OpenXR Toolkit since MSFS 2024 launched. I stopped using PimaxXR app when MSFS2024 launched. I use Dlss Quality in my VR settings, and use OpenXR toolkit to reduce my resolution down to 3500x whatever… and I use CAS sharpening from the toolkit and the Sunglasses :slight_smile:

Today I tried PimaxXR app OpenXR just to check it, but didn’t notice any real differences for the short time I tried it, so went back to use Pimax Play OpenXR. And flew without any troubles tonight for over 90 minutes.

I have Pimax Crystal Light, RTX 4090, I9 13900K, 32Gb Ram. (I have actually also a have Crystal with eye tracking but the Light is more comfortable to wear so have been using the Light for MSFS 2024) .

So for me, no problems with Pimax Play OpenXR + OpenXR Toolkit + Dlss. No chrashes.

no problems with Pimax Play OpenXR + OpenXR Toolkit + Dlss. No chrashes for me. I don’t believe the “theory” that Pimax Plays own OpenXR and the OpenXR Toolkit causes problems.

Is this theory saying that the crashes only happen in interaction with FS24? Or also with FS20?

Never had any trouble with MSFS 2020 and DX12 with Pimax Play OpenXR and the toolkit, in DLSS.

My troubles started with 2024 so I tried several things. This one seems to have fixed it. To each his own experience I guess.

I believe the theory is the use of OXR Toolkit’s FFR in combination with DLSS that causes crashes. This seems to be the case for my CTDs.

Well I use OXR Toolkit with DFR and DLSS and no CTD since I switched back to PimaxXR… lol… so many confusion.