OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

So is it any logical explanation why motion reprojection is so much better with Steam VR ?


I have G2 and 4070 ti
I configured:

  • DLSS performance in MSFS
  • custom resolution around 4000 (to gain some more clarity lost in DLSS) in OpenXR toolkit

When using only WMR i get smooth 45 fps
I’m experiencing stutters when going through steamvr, even if i still see around 40-45 fps. Even disabling custom resolution, flight are never smooth enough…any suggestions?
I’m forced to use steamvr, because i’m addicted to OVRToolkit, which allows me to control completely the desktop…

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Reverb G2 is a native WMR HMD. I’m not an expert, but AFAIK SteamVR support adds a layer of otherwise unnecessary operations. Most games are OK, but with MSFS it’s just too much to add. I think every frame has to be grabbed and transferred via a shared buffer or something like that. Also with OpenXR toolkit there’s so much that WMR can do now, there’s no real reason to use SteamVR.

You can drag and control a desktop window in WMR. I can’t directly compare, but one pinned to your environment it’s very usable. I configured a second screen for low resolution and that’s the one I drag with me into MSFS and it can work as a sort of tablet pretty nicely.

Yes you’re right…I should use a second monitor with low resolution, in order to make the window much smaller than what it is by default (way too big)
However, since I have no physical second monitor, i will also need to create a virtual one :slight_smile:

By the way OVRToolkit is overall much better than WMR pinned windows…you can set transparency and size really quickly.

This was explained here:

Looks awsome on those videos! :open_mouth:

May I ask a question?
I am using OpenXR Toolkit 1.3.0 GA3.
There is a semi-transparent, slightly blackened layer that Tookit Config in the sim uses for display, but even after closing the menu, it remains in front of the HMD, from about 30 degrees diagonally down from the horizontal line to the top of the screen, and cannot be completely erased.
I believe it is (probably) a layer used by the OpenXR Toolkit, since this phenomenon disappears completely when I disable the OpenXR Toolkit and restart the sim, but is there any solution?
(I am unable to attach screenshots etc. as the desktop window does not have this layer, it is only drawn inside the HMD).

…shame that it looks like it will not happen :frowning:

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Thank you for heads up.

Looks like in Steam VR settings I cannot control the resolution (custom resolution multiplier or resolution per eye).
Its no major issue as I can use the Toolkit to override, however, I wonder if thats in normal ?

It’s a bit hard to understand it without seeing it. What headset do you use? Did you try turning Performance Overlay off in OpenXR Toolkit to see if that is the issue?

Are you on Pimax by any chance? If so, this is a bug of Pitool 281 and below.

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what does “I cannot control resolution” means? The slider moves but has no effect? If you are using OpenXR Toolkit Override Resolution, this setting takes precedence over the SteamVR setting. You need to turn Override Resolution off in order to use the SteamVR slider.

Nah 45fps no repro runs great on the G2 90hz for some reason. There is some strange effect at 45 locked where it’s MUCH smoother than both 44fps or above 45fps (all the way up to 90). Has to be seen to be believed. Believe me, I can’t stand repro and am very sensitive to frame drops and jerkyess.

Sorry, yes that is what I ment.
I have tried turning off all together the Toolkit but has made no difference with regard to the resolution adjustment with SteamVR slider, bit strange… but as I said, works good of your override tool.

One way or another with no repro you will have a slide show effect, kind of an old movie picture show on display… but if you happy and it works for you that`s great. If what you say will be the resolution for all of us here, this and many other threads and topics on this subject will be a lot shorter :slight_smile:

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A question on colors. I managed to set my Reverb G1 colors better to my liking (closer to the ones shown on my color-calibrated monitor). This refers to the R/G/B relation. However, there remains a grey veil over the scene, notably in the distance, where the screen image in the same situation is clear.

The OpenXR toolkit docs mention 7 parameters (Contrast… Shadows). Given, I am not an expert in the field, I am a bit lost which one I should change.

Thanks for any suggestion.

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Sure, it’s not the same as 90,but is as good as it gets currently.
Most people I’ve heard talking about locking to 45 with Rivatuner said the same btw, even mbuccia mentioned a while ago that it makes sense that it feels smoother than expected since it’s exactly half the refresh rate. I tried the same on the Pico and it didn’t work at all, that really did seem unsmooth. No idea why it works on the G2 specifically.

What do you mean by slideshow effect? It’s not at all stuttery/unnsmooth if that’s what you mean. That’s what I see at 30fps (and also at 50 actually).

It`s all explained quite well here …

MSFS VR TIPS Flying WITHOUT Motion Reprojection | HP Reverb G2, Quest 2, Varjo Aero, Pimax 8KX etc! - YouTube

Motion Reprojection for me was a no go on the G2, even with a 5800x3D and my then GPU, an AMD 6800XT. As MR uses the video encoding subsystem of your GPU to create the future guessed frames, AMD cards were, and still are, behind nVidia GPUs. So I had to settle on the best combo of framerates and visual quality without MR…which always introduces judder as you move your head or the aircraft if you can’t maintain the headset’s native refresh rate. However your brain can compensate for that in a number of ways; you get used to the judder-induced blur when moving your head… over the instruments for example. and just wait a beat for it to settle, or while banking and turning you learn to look at the point on the ground about which the aircraft is wheeling, so the judder effect is reduced.

However since getting a 4090 I was not prepared to put up with that compromise anymore, so as MR was now a realistic alternative I went with that. In the G2 at 30FPS it’s mostly quite good; with the Pico 4 I can settle on 45FPS, plus without the usual prop arc artifacts, because SteamVR does that much better, and all is much smoother to me.

Neither headset however has the resolution to give me the feeling of looking through a window. The pixilation, AKA screen door effect, at the centre of vision (plus with the P4, compression artifacts) means that I find it hard at times to stay immersed in the virtual world.

For me right now the Pimax Crystal is hopefully the best bet to take the sim to that point where it all comes together. Unless some company that really knows what they are doing such as Zeiss, Canon, or Nikon’s technical imaging division, brings out a headset with superb multi element optics and panels with retina level resolution (think at least 4000 by 5000 pixels and no need to oversample to compensate for distortion and lack of edge to edge clarity). It can be done, but none of the current manufacturers have the technical experience, especially in high end optical design to do it.

Hey @DaveGarbett001, I am told by some users who had this problem that Oculus software v51 fixed it.

Just a little note - the Over Prediction Reduction function now really breaks motion reprojection in the Pico 4. With the previous version of the Toolkit I could use the option (-10) and it worked great, now having it on basically makes impossible to fly.