Ah, that’s great! And I agree, it’s easier to understand when higher scale percentages increase world size, and vice versa. Thanks for doing Asobo’s job, your Toolkit is such an essential addon!
Check out my explanation on this thread:
My guess is that no, you are not CPU-limited.
How have you set the scale according to your ipd?
My ipd is 69mm and I’ve measured out infront of me the kodiak and turbo arrow cockpit width and adjusted the scale and arrived at 127.9mm as the exact width of both planes whilst in vr.
That new version is now released and downloadable from the website.
Should we uninstall the older version before? Or is it ok just to install the latest version?
Thanks and regards
I installed OpenXR Toolkit for the fist time a couple of days ago. I didn’t change the suggested installation path. Meaning it ended up on my C drive. After installation, I had the very same problem where the standard OpenXR Developer Tools showed me an error message looking at the status page saying:
So, if I understand correctly - were you able to fix the problem by installing into a different path instead of the suggested one?
The default scale of 100% equals an IPD of 63.1mm according to the OpenXR Toolkit. My IPD is 61.5mm, so I set World Scale to 97.5% (old version, haven’t checked the new one yet what scale it is exactly, but I guess it should equal 102.5%), which made the cockpits look much more realistically sized.
So no exact measurements here, just my IPD (as measured by an optician). And I’m on Quest 2 with Oculus VR as OpenXR runtime.
If almost double your IPD was required to get proper scale, that’s really strange. Maybe there’s another influence there besides OpenXR’s scaling, did you maybe set some world scaling in SteamVR or whatever you use as well?
What are the cockpit widths (in real world units) you used to calibrate your settings and how did you measure it? I’d like to check my cockpit sizes the same way to see if they are close or very different from what you got.
Kodiak 4ft 6 I measured its width infront of me, stood at the edge of the left hand side and adjusted the world scale till the right hand side of the cockpit met the marker id set out. This i dolid by moving to my right with the headset slightly raised.
I cant remember the turbo arrow width but it was an accurate measure, it was so so close once measured oyt the same way I didn’t even bother adjusting the scale as it would of been nit picking.
The dc-6 couldn’t be measured by me as I couldn’t find a reference online for the cockpit width but the dials are so different from the size in the normal scale.
I dont use steam just the game from ms.
Please give it a go to compare your world scale with the cockpit measured out.
Uninstalling the previous one is a good practice, but the installer should also be capable of doing an upgrade of the installed version. So unless you are having issues, you should be able to just do an upgrade.
Saw your post on GitHub. This issue is still mysterious to me, it has something to do with some of your system permissions, but I don’t know which one.
I think you should be able to use the toolkit in FS regardless of this error. It’s inconvenient I agree but should not block you.
Yeah, I’ll give it another try and maybe try installing it outside the system folders to see if that will make any difference.
You can’t choose where to install. So I’m not sure how you’ll do that.
Did anyone manage to get the hand tracking work with steamvr openxr and an ultraleap module ? I have an issue where my hands are flickering in steamvr, yet it works flawlessly in WMR
Just to know if it’s a bug the developer of this great tool should be aware of or if it’s only on my machine
Ah, I see. I thought someone else here mentioned they installed it on another drive but maybe I misread it.
Apparently there’s some system settings where you can override the drive ( but not the exact path).
I assume yours is installing in C:\Program Files\OpenXR-Toolkit?
I have to try with SteamVR, it’s probably a bug, but just too many things to do at this time… will try to spend some time on hand tracking improvements as soon as I can.
In the meantime, this hand tracking solution works in steamvr, I tested it: Play FS2020 with Hand Tracking! - YouTube
But it has less features than the hand tracking in the openxr tool. Hope you will be able to provide a fix soon
Don’t recall the exact path from the top of my head but I guess it was what you said.
Mine installed on D drive which caused some reported errors in the OpenXR Developer Tools, this was resolved when I reinstalled it to the default location on drive C.
However, despite the reported errors, the OpenXR Toolkit did appear to work correctly even when on Drive D:
wow, absolutely wow… this was the best vr flight ever!! for everyone with an hp reverb g2 please try to set the renderscale to 150% in OpenXR for WMR, 70% in OpenXR Toolkit and the ingame scale to 80-100%
it looks like a completely new headset to me!!!
in my last video I recommended 70% ingame and 200% openxr, forget that! these settings are now my absolute daily driver!
in areas like sedona you can push the scale to 100% ingame and its looks absolutely stunning!
let me know what you think!!!
my pc: rtx 3070, i9 9900k