OpenXR ver. 107 Tested in VR

I just tested the new NVIDIA driver version 466.63 for MSFS in VR!
This driver was released on 3rd June 2021, and I was keen to see how it performed in VR using the Reverb G2. I also share my other settings such Nvidia 3D settings, in-game settings, Game Mode and Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling or HAGS settings. The videos show how they affect the overall performance in VR. OpenXR render scale is set to 70% and reprojection is enabled. I think this new driver is aimed at 3000 cards but I think perhaps 2000 series may also benefit from this update.

I tried out 107 too on similar hardware but higher in-game settings. Unfortunately for me, having motion reprojection on not only reduces FPS to 22.5 but also results in motion artifacts and, for some strange reason, it does not make the scenery side view any smoother than with it off. Nonetheless, even with motion projection off, I am quite happy with VR performance of the latest OpenXR version and nVidia drivers.

Edit: Just tried your exact settings and it is indeed smoother, however I still prefer higher settings and no motion projection. FYI, I am pulling about 25 FPS with FS2020 ultra settings, 75 OXR and 100 in-game RR, which I am pretty happy with.


Great to hear you tried my settings, I guess it is also about personal preference.

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