Optimization of SSD/HDD space allocation and loading time (423% faster with only 16% on SSD) - OFF TOPIC useless comments: "just install everything on SSD"

The Manual cache isn’t working at all on the and reading some threads here, I realize it might have been broken since the USA world update. So I deleted my 45GB manual
cache file. The functionality to create the manual cache is also broken since that USA world update according to the forum threads. I couldn’t even open the manual cache editor anyways for the past 6 months.

I also tried without rolling cache but my internet bandwidth isn’t fast enough for photogrammetry, I enjoy flying over the same few cities so I really need it. Good thing is rolling cache seems to be enough for my needs without the manual cache. I only enable the rolling cache if I am flying over those cities and I select an empty folder with 0GB size parameter, which turns off the rolling cache as well, when flying over areas I don’t want to cached or and before closing MSFS so it won’t slow down the startup phase.

I am thinking about creating one rolling cache folder for each city or route that I want cached, so that each file is smaller to load. However I didn’t find any information on the exact size of the photogrammetry highest cache resolution data for each city.

I am looking for a list of each photogrammetry detailed area/city and it’s total data size when cached.

The best I found so far:
PSA: Flight Simulator map that includes all of the Points of Interest, custom airports (by edition) and detailed 3D cities (photogrammetry). Good way decide where to fly! Credit to Aquila Simulations (@AquilaSimX). : xboxmsfs (reddit.com)

And alternatively: source
“go on Microsoft AppStore and install Earth View. It is free. You have a list of all photogrammetry places within one click just click 3D list on the top of the panel.”

But no data size of each cached area unfortunately.