I have been steadily going through the smaller planes to see which suffer from the incorrect external reflections (i.e. where the reflected rays pass straight through the plane). These are the ones I found so far:
Daher TBM 930
DeHavillandCanada DHC-6 Twin Otter
FlightDesign CTSL
ICONAircraft ICON A5
JMBAircraft VL-3
Diamond DA40 NG
Diamond DV20
Aero Elvira Optica
[[ EDIT 1:
Further planes affected:
Aviat Pitts Special S1S
Aviat Pitts Special S2S
Zlin Aviation Savage Norden
Antonov An-2 (all versions)
Mitsubishi MU-2]]
[[ EDIT 2
Drako X
Grunman Goose
Robin Aircraft SAS CAP 10
Robin Aircraft DR400-100 Cadet
[[EDIT 3
King Air 350i
NB DiamondAircraft DA62 and Albatross have been removed from the original list - originally included in a senior moment.
These are accurate as of the beginning of Feb. I will edit this list as I discover more.
For most of these, distorted areas of generally white are seen when flying over areas of maximum contrast, for example flying at low level across the edge of a runway when distorted, enlarged images of the white lines are visible.
The Optica is slightly different from the others. Due to the design of the cabin (with maiximum viewing area), the front windshield is vertical, and so does not have reflections of the ground (unless perhaps you are flying through mountains), but incorrect reflections are still seen in the side windows and the overhead windows.
These effects are a major distraction when taking off, for example, and as Iāve said before are extremely non-realistic. A very large number of planes are affected, in fact most the the planes Iāve looked at. I have not yet started looking at the helicopters.