Panel.cfg of TBM930

Dear community,

due to a mistake, I’ve deleted the panel.cfg of my TBM930.
So actually my Garmin G3000 is clear white.

Can anybody share its panel.cfg of the TBM930?

Thanks a lot.

Delete and reinstall through the in-game content manager

Thanks for this tipp, but there i can only renew all 4 addon liverys but not the mainaircraft itself.

Unfortunately, the TBM is one of two mandatory planes installed with the Standard Edition (now GOTY) that everyone has. The other is the C152. You can delete any other Std/GOTY plane except those two.

Caution: try this at your own risk - if you have the MS-Store version of the sim, there is a Repair this App feature in the MS-Store. Not sure what it will do, or if it will determine the file is missing, that’s something you can try.

If you are on Steam - disregard the above and DO NOT attempt to verify files - that will wipe the entire installation. I cannot advise any diagnostics on that - I’m also a Steam user. The only thing I generally recommend is to occasionally back up your Packages/Official subdirectory before major changes. The next time this happens, you might be able to go back into those files and pull what’s missing. Good luck!

You could try to MOVE (not delete) the entire TBM directory, launch the sim and see if it detects it as missing - it might try to repair it. Move it to another folder outside of the sim.

Or install the G3000 mod.

Send me your mailadress, and I shall send you the panel.

Isn‘t the panel.cfg in your bin?

@JorgenLarsen thanks, i’ve got it. Works fine.

Merci chrimstmas all.