It was the first test I’d taken in 25 years!
My whole world (kids, friends, wife, siblings) knew I was taking it… So, to say I was nervous was an understatement.
It was the first test I’d taken in 25 years!
My whole world (kids, friends, wife, siblings) knew I was taking it… So, to say I was nervous was an understatement.
Big congrats!
Well done matey
Way to go!
That’s awesome! Enjoy flying in the skies
Great! Keep after it!
You think you were nervous then, just wait until you get your first solo. That is an event you remember. Congrats!
Outstanding,…keep pushing and best of luck on your checkride
Thanks everyone!! Checkride’s tentatively set for 4 weeks from now, with a possible opening in two!!!
Back to the ol’ grindstone!
I soloed a while back. I just put the written off, because I like to make everything more difficult.
Checkride within the month!
If you don’t have the “Private Pilot Oral Exam Guide” by ASA (it has a blue cover), it is a must. The cost is around 14 dollars on Amazon. I used that book to study for every oral from Private through CFI. I had all my students buy it when I was a CFI. That guide covers just about every topic you could be asked by an examiner.
Congrats on the written. The excitement of passing a test is huge but wait until you pass the checkride and can take people flying. That is an even bigger thrill.
Excellent results, congrats, keep striving for the stars.
@N582TC Congrats! The real fun will be the oral exam and checkride. Your check pilot will probably grill you pretty hard on the weaker areas in your written (if there were any), so brush up on those ahead of time.
It might be hard to sleep the night before the checkride, your head will be drowning in numbers and procedures and what-ifs, so try to get plenty of rest ahead of that if you can. It’s quite an experience. My check ride examiner was a former KC-135 tanker pilot in the USAF, and one seriously intimidating and tough lady, almost android like and completely devoid of emotion (until she said I passed anyway, and then she finally smiled).
Passing your check ride and getting your temp license will be one of the best feeling days of your life. And then the real learning starts, haha.
Enjoy, and good luck!
I second this. Study hard in the weeks leading up to the checkride, but the night before, DO NOT STUDY. Shut your brain off from airplanaes and focus on getting 8 hours of sleep. If you don’t know something the night before the checkride, you’re probably not going to know it by staying up all night and cramming. It’s ok to get some answers wrong during the oral and it will happen. Staying up all night studying will drive a person mad. Being in a high stress situation like a checkride on a low amount of sleep is not conducive to having a good day on the day of the checkride.
Still a way to go though so keep at it.
I remember taking exams for my PPL in:-
Aircraft Technical
Human Factors
Air Law
Then practicals:-
Radio simulation of actual flights inc emergency procedures
First Solo
Supervised Navigation
Cross Country Solo Navigation
Aircraft handling.
The two Radio exams were done first to get my Radio Licence first which then allowed for solo communication with ATC etc
Congrats. Took mine last year and passed. I would imagine the instrument written is probably more difficult. Taking that next year.
Congratulations @N582TC!
Any idea what the requirements are there? I got an FCC license in 1984, when I was a teenager. At the time I remember being told it never expired but I don’t remember the last time I saw it.
I also thought it wasn’t required if you have a pilot’s license.
Do you think the simulator was of any help? How long had you simmed before taking lessons?
Those questions are more in general as MSFS isn’t good for written test prep.
I’ve been simming since 94. 99% of that time I had no clue what I was doing, but man, has it been fun!
FS2000 and specifically PilotEdge have been HUGE in my training. ( Going through PE’s CAT Ratings really a game-changer in my training. I actually worked the comms on my very first lesson!
Flying in VR in PilotEdge really is mind-bending.I remember my first “flight” (non-towered to non-towered) and being FREAKED OUT because there was one other person up there on the CTAF with me.
VR in MSFS allowed me to pick out ACTUAL VFR checkpoints on my first (and each subsequent) solo flight. It is bananas how realistic, and comforting pre-flying in the sim has been.
Last week I soloed to a Class C, and after having done it in the sim, it was actually very peaceful!