PC simmers - Tell us what you do to get to your FS2020 home page

By that I mean: What external programs do you launch? Do you use batch files or other scripts? What about Task Scheduler? Any external harware involved in startup?

Windows Utilities:

– EVGA Precision X1 for a mild GPU OC.
– ILSC - Intelligent List Standby Cleaner - Replaces Windows System Device HPET (High Precision Event Timer) - Improves micro-stuttering.
– nVidiaProfileInspector - Customizable granular tuning of all nVidia driver settings.
– Riva Statistics Tuner - I use it to limit frame rate (90 FPS) instead of NVCP. Also adds performance monitoring tool.overlay.
– Process Lasso - Some say it does nothing useful. I think it does.

Task Scheduler:

I created two tasks:
– Run a batch file on logon that uses Robocopy to load cache files back into my empty RAM drive. The RAM drive is copied to a disk on Windows logoff.
– Run a batch file that enables HDRFIX, a handy utility created by our own @Vibstronium that watches my screenshot gallery and creates a colorspace tuned JPG file whenever JXR files (HDR) are dropped into it.

Special Mention:

– Addons Linker - Basically replaces your Community folder and lets you create presets that load only the mods you want in any given session. Also offers an easy way to fastlaunch the sim (bypassing the branding videos,) and also load additional programs. Using Linker I can launch the sim, then automatically launch SPAD.NeXT and Little NavMap. I used to have batch files that did that. Don’t need them anymore. As a bonus you can create an empty preset and protect your mods whenever the sim is updated. I mapped a button on my Stream Deck to launch Linker.

So my startup is very clean.

The utilities run as background tasks when I login to Windows. ProfileInspector keeps my nVidia card tuned (until I update drivers after using DDU, after which I have to run it again.)

And I press one button to launch all the software and MSFS mods I want running when I’m ready to fly.
Well, there are a couple of button presses in Linker needed: Select Preset, Launch MSFS.

Win11 Pro
EVGA RTX 3090 Ti
64 GB DDR4-3600/ CAS14 (15 GB used for RAM drive storage of Rolling Cache and Manual Cache. I may up that to 30 GB.)

As for how to find and set up all these things…
In the immortal words of Reverend Johnson:



PBO2 Tuner and RivaTuner on startup to optimise and overclock my CPU and GPU respectively.
Landing Rate Monitor
Windows Mixed Reality
Twitch stream running on Chrome
Firefox with 20-40 tabs
Addonslinker to optimise MSFS addons used

And of course MSFS (no rolling cache)

Runs great.

In the spirit of Occam’s razor, I click Start, Microsoft Flight Simulator.


Yeah, I just start the sim in Steam. Works fine.
KISS design principle is my #1 guide.

I have some extra tools, but context dependant use.

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My current workflow is:

  • double-check Navigraph data is up to date :wink:
  • start up TrackIR if it’s not running (head tracker for panning is nice)
  • start up spad.next for input management (per-aircraft configuration is nice!)
  • start up ForeFlight data bridge app (iPad for EFB! just like the real plane dudes on youtube! :D)
  • start up OBS to run a continuous video capture for the session

Then I have a ridiculously complex workflow for trimming and processing clips and screenshots out of the video capture. :wink: Still hoping to do a major upgrade on my HDR tool to better support directly pulling from a video, which will simplify it a lot…



  • BU0836_encoders
  • Touch portal
  • Fenix Sim A320
  • FlyByWire Installer (FSLTL)
  • Gees
  • IVAO - core / client OR vpilot (Europe or USA)
  • Littlenavmap
  • AddonLinker
  • Pegasus

Open Edge for:

  • SimBrief
  • Skyvector
  • Chartfox
  • Airmate

Plan the flight and than launch FS :rofl:

MODERATOR EDIT: Removed an addon that alters licensed data

For VR, I actually have a very specific procedure that I follow. It’s a bit specific, but it works for my PC/VR setup:

  1. PC is off. Quest is powered off.
  2. Turn PC on.
  3. Launch Oculus App.
  4. Put on headset and power it on. Enable Oculus Link from the headset.
  5. Take headset off.
  6. Launch Oculus Debug Tool and make sure everything looks good (set ASW off and lock 45).
    6.b. If streaming, launch Oculus Mirror app and apply settings
  7. Launch VATSIM Radio, launch vPilot, launch all-in-one tablet server
  8. Fire up MSFS. Wait for everything to load until you are at the home screen in MSFS. Don’t touch anything in MSFS.
  9. Press CTRL+TAB to enter VR mode (you will get the double window in your monitor with the VR view).
  10. Headset on. You should now be in MSFS VR mode. It will have that gray box asking you to press the key to center your view. I have buttons bound on my yoke and stick to do this.
  11. Have fun in smooth, glorious VR (pick your aircraft/livery, choose your start spot on the map)…
  12. If streaming, fire up streamlabs, do other stream-related setup stuff…

:rofl: It seems like a lot, but I have a flow that I pretty much don’t have to think about anymore… oh, and the appropriate app icons are all organized on my desktop in order of execution :rofl:

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I use the fast launch shortcut I put on my task bar that uses C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch as the target. Cut’s out the video and such and saves about 30 seconds.

I can’t wait (for that and for FS2024) :wink:

I used to do that. But Addons Linker includes a fastlaunch option - which is pretty cool.

Tell me more!

I’ll google it, but I’d like to hear exactly what you use it for. I just bought two refurb Gen 5 32GB, WiFi, 9.7" iPads, and I’m itching to put them to good use.

But you have to open addons linker haha


Trust me, I’m trying to figure out a way to get around that.
Working on a Vulcan Mind Meld. Not having any luck with that yet.

I checked it out. Not worth $100/year subscription for me.

  • flight planning
  • moving maps, with full FAA VFR charts
  • GPS-based navigation
  • terrain and obstacle warnings
  • synthetic vision view (this is on a more expensive plan than the low-end one though)
  • terrain cross-section view along your flight plan (this is on a more expensive plan than the low-end one, again)
  • saving flight tracks for later
  • actual charts for nearly all US airports including taxiways (very nice) and approaches/sids/stars if you do IFR
  • live weather data and map overlays (real-world data)
  • traffic overlays (uses the ai traffic when hooked up to the simulator)

Switch ports on external hub(Thrustmaster pedals, throttle and stick(Warthog Hotas), then left, center and right cockpit console arduinos, Pico4 headset, HF8 haptic feedback)
Turn PC on
Put headset and power it on
Start MSFS from headset VD app
Start spad.next
When MSFS menu opens, start HF8 haptic feedback
Enjoy my PC-21 home cockpit with VR :smiley:

littlenavmap, luke air tool for cabin announcments, FSLTL, and then I open the Sim.

  1. Launch Nvidia GeForce Experience, check for GPU driver updates, and enable fps overlay
  2. Launch Tobii Experience app and enable head/eye tracking
  3. Launch Xbox app for Windows
  4. Click the “Play” button on the MSFS tab in the Xbox app

All I do is click the icon pinned to my taskbar. I don’t run any of that other stuff.

So many quotes from that movie I can think of - problem is most of them would get me banned! :rofl:

Seems like ForeFlight + Navigraph are trying to achieve the same purpose, so I’m curious about the utility of using both. I’ve been using Navigraph and loving it, but now I’m a student pilot IRL and ForeFlight is what everyone uses at my FBO. I haven’t set up a subscription yet, but I will, and once I do I’m not sure I want to keep Navigraph if I can use ForeFlight both in-sim and IRL. How do these fit into your workflow?

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