Performance benchmark before and after Patch 7 RTX3090+10900K - what happened?

Unfortunately it seems like the long awaited performance optimization was not included in Patch 7 as can be seen below (tried to be the most scientific possible). I did not follow VRAM usage, but at ORD it was araound 9,3GB using dev mode.



Were you CPU or GPU limited on 4K ultra?

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Mostly GPU, but maithread also came showed up quite a few times.

If you’re mostly GPU limited, any CPU optimizations aren’t going to make a difference.


Great analysis however your results are in the margin of error. You could be right there is no optimisation. However I think it’s harder than that, it could be there but focused on specific sub-processes like photogrammetry or affecting stutters when specific triggers caused them etc.

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I completely agree. Still if there were CPU optimizations done for sure we would have some impact on the FPS since in some cases it was mainthread bottlenecked.

Could be, for sure! I really hope so!

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depends on the amount of time you’re CPU limited. Say you’re CPU limited 10% of the time, and there’s a 5% improvement, you’d see a 0,5% total increase.
This will fall in the margin of error, and you won’t be able to detect it.
If you were CPU limited 50% of the time, you might be able to measure it.


Once more I completely agree and in fact most of the time it was GPU limited. I really do hope others see an increase with other CPUs.

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In the roadmap the patch 7 is planed for thursday release. So i think the world update not include the major performance patch?

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no, you’re understanding wrong. Patch day is today, thursday will be a developer blog post (like on every thursday).

Patches are bi-weekly on tuesday, developer blog posts every thursday.


On a related note. After the patch I did some tests on this system:

i7 7700
16 gig RAM

I’m flying with everything on high except clouds, textures and terrain vectors are on ultra. I was in a 172 glass cockpit, with the glass cockpit set to low update.

Running at 1440p at 90% resolution.

I was flying around an overcast Seattle at noon.

My framerate was between 20-27 the entire time.

My GPU was at 40% highest and my CPU was at 54% highest. They never went above these loads, but my framerate was still below 30.

Is that normal?

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Hmm Thats odd. i run it on my system which is lower specs than yours yet it runs better.
Global high-end preset except for cockpit refresh rate on low. I get between 25fps lowest 40fps highest average 30fps. btw im gpu bound all time except inside the cockpit when refresh rate is set to high, even sometimes on low it will bottleneck my gpu.

i7 6700
gtx 1650 Manually OC
16g ram
1080p res 100% scaling

Sadly, yes :expressionless:

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well yes, due to the main thread, especially at photogrammetry areas.

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Interesting, I have the same CPU and a 2080TI and get about 8-10 fps lower performance, thanks for sharing this, I will not pay $1500 to gain 8-10 fps.

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I had a 208TI. Let me share with you the difference I found between the two. Both GPUs OCs.

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At 2K I get exactly those number with 2070 super

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I need much more decimal points of FPS in the exel sheet :joy:

No seriously… how many time you spend in such excel sheet ? you noticed this only because you allways have the FPS counter at ON.

and in special … I see the word FRAPS !!!

This tool is near hundred years old and “for Windows XP, 2003, Vista, and Windows 7” and cause some issues. As a proof: in another thread we already seen that this tool blocks the Steam overlay.

Thus… simple close your FPS counter and enjoy the game :wink:

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Any app that hooks into the .exe can potentially not work or have compatibility issues. This even means OBS or any other streaming software that hooks in. Fraps has been around for a while so it’s well known. As are most of the hardware monitoring tools. OBS, Fraps, and MSI to name a few all hook fine with MFS. While some may act different with different software they all still work for the most part. It’s not just the STEAM overlay that gets effected by hooks like that either. You can customize the software detection level though and it’s very handy having custom fan curves for some stuff that is GPU intense. Once everything is hunky dory though I turn the tools off. Still you are telling someone with a 3090 to turn the FPS counter off. Not gonna happen lol.

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