Running a i7-7700k (o’cd to 4.8), 1080Ti and 32mb 3000 DDR, and getting very smooth fps in GA VR C152 flights in Britain.
Of course, I’ve not stretched it yet in cities, and I may have to dial settings (many currently on high) down for urban / airliners / glass cockpits, but for me - the visual VR experience is so much better than in X-plane 11.5, or DCS. I guess that may be because (a) the terrain is so much better, and (b) I wasn’t expecting much with my older system!
I made sure to move to the Oculus Beta Public Test Channel (hope that plays nice with DCS - didn’t when I tried it before), and use the recommended settings for OpenXR.
Two things, though:
I’m getting a regular camera strobe like flash going off in the cockpit - anyone else seeing that?
the C152 - diminutive though it is - IS too small - needs a world scale, like DCS.
Still, as a first attempt - that no doubt will be optmised - I’m pretty impressed.
I’m using a G2 on a 2070super and i’m very happy. As you said its impressive for a first implementation.
managed to do a little bit of flyinmg over a city (not NY style, but still fairly busy) and a custom airport and its worked great fisrt time. in the Bonanza it felt a little on the small side as well which i think was to do with the default camera position, will have a play with that and see if it helps, but it could just be me getting used to it.
Did you have to set up any special controls to switch in and out of VR mode? I get to the settings screen and get stuck when I switch to VR mode. I am also using a Rift S with a RTX-2080 Super. - Thanks.
I just pressed CTRL + TAB - seems to switch in and out of VR happily that way for me, whereever I was in the sim. Needed to, as I got stuck in an external view in VR, and the VR bar doesn’t always open
I have a question on this. I tried to check this on my lunch and just didn’t have time to fiddle with it. Does the rift S use steam VR (I do have the steam version) or will using open XR bypass this?
I’m hoping for the same, I’ve got a 2070 and 32gb Ram but an older motherboard. In my few minutes of messing with it, it started to run but then Steam Vr crashed. I didn’t have time to play with it more and see what was up.
I got the strobe flash too, in the TBM, A320, and B787. I am also using the Oculus Rift S. My GPU and CPU are different from yours, a 3900X and 2080 Super.
Im super impressed about how good VR was in this sim though, well done ASOBO and Microsoft!
The white flash/strobe is a thing oculus does now and then, its a bug in certain sims. I had it in iRacing for a while then one day a Oculus Home update happened and it stopped.
OpenXR - I havent touched anything to do with that and its working lovely for me!
Saying that, other Rift S guys, do you think the colours are a little washed out?
Like so much else in life I guess it’s a question of your expectations. I did have a bunch of issues getting VR to run, also one case where VR “crashed” and it couldn’t find the headset.
Dispite this, once I got it running it was smooth, and I was blown away by the experience. I am super excited to see the current rough edges get polished over time. Even at the current level it’s a game changer. Bravo!
yes, but no more for me than in XP 11 or DCS, so I have nothing to compare it with. Frankly, prefer a little washed out to too vibrant! No doubt, we will tweak for better settings in the days ahead, but very pleasantly surprised with my 4 year old hardware. There’s life in the 1080Ti yet! Would like to upgrade to a 3080 (whenever the ■■■■■■ things become available), but suspect I would see zero improvement until I bite the bullet and change board and CPU
Cant help you there with the openXR, I didnt touch my registry.
Re colours: I will have to fly the UK tomorrow to compare to my Orbx UK Scenery. A Day of flying ahead!
X-Plane 11 VR had the flash too when it first came out. Ended up being a patch fix in XP-11 later. I too use iRacing, but never encountered the flash there nor any other game/Sim. Yes, the colors are a little washed, also some blurry affects when looking out the window at the wing.
Specs:i9-9900K 3.60GHZ (O.C. 4.3)
128GB DDR4/3200MHz
1,600 WATT 80 Plus Gold Certified Modular Power Supply