Perpetual Incorrect or Missing Live Weather Before and After SU7

*no add-ons in community folder.

*I’m not using developer mode.

Description of issue:

80% of the time when “live weather” is set (I always fly with live weather, without exception) I get clear skies (or clear skies with some haze) and 29.92 barometric pressure, with light winds (3 knots, variable direction).

For the other 19% of flights, weather loads, but mid-flight it reverts to the above and I land with clear skies, standard pressure, and no wind.

For about 1% of my flights, live weather appears to work and continue working to the final destination.

Some of my problem-solving attempts I’ve completed:

-Ensured live weather and all data are turned on in general settings

-Ensured that for each flight, in flight conditions, I have live weather selected

-Ensured MSFS 2020 is in my firewall and anti-virus exceptions list

-Submitted a ticket to Zendesk (#136545)

-I have automatic server set – East Coast USA, with strong connection

-I am not getting any data warnings in flight or at the start of each of these flights.

-Cleared data cache

-I have no modifications or add-ons of any kind

-I’m on PC running high to ultra settings on a Dell G5 (with good performance otherwise)

-I’m running the sim as an admin

-I have tried running the sim with the Xbox app open and closed

-I have attempted to turn live weather off then on again during flight

-Installed latest Windows and Windows store updates including Nvidia drivers

-Reviewed the known issues, Zendesk articles, and forums

-Reviewed the MSFS 2020 support Twitter page for live weather posts (there aren’t many, and I’m led to believe that any live weather problems are quickly resolved because there are posts in the forums after these tweets about how the live weather is working)

I notice that when not set to live time, when I access the Metars in flight, most don’t work (they say not available). But where they are available, the weather falls into the 80% category (see above) at the airport showing the metar.

I have experienced the problem world-wide, as I’m currently on two round-the-world trips.

PC specs:

Windows 11 home, version 21H2, OS build 22000.376

Intel(R) Core™ i9-10900F CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz

32.0 GB RAM

Nvidia GE Force RTX 3060

Hard-wired internet at 800+ MBPS

Microsoft Store version of the top of the three sim versions available with no installation problems.

When problem experienced (continues to today):

Windows 10 version


Windows 10 OS Build




Microsoft Flight Simulator Build version

Sim update 6

The only thing I haven’t tried is the fix described in this post (I don’t have many “friends” online; however, I also have NOT ever joined a group for a group flight on MSFS 2020, so I don’t believe it’s even applicable to me): Always Clear Skies

At this point, given the absence of similar issues/posts in the forums, or the known issues and release logs

With all that said: help!!!

Thanks in advance.

One thing I don’t notice here are the settings from the World Map page.
While on the flight planning world map page, near the top right side, you will find “flight conditions”
Ensure “Weather and Time” are set to “live” in there as well.

I did not see any reference to your system time. Are you on Daylight Savings Time? There are numerous instances of incongruent time settings between sim and system that cause weather to not work as expected.

System time is set to automatic, and this has occurred before and after the eastern DST change - and my system time has reflected the change properly. Thanks for the thought!

I usually have both weather and time set to live, but always have weather set to live. The only thing I change occasionally is the time of day. Unfortunately that seems to have no effect on the 80/19/1% breakdown I explained above. Thanks for the thought!

I’ll also add that my home internet fortunately is very stable and outages are extremely rare.

OK, that’s good to know.
Did you check the screen I mentioned though?
I found the hard way, that must be set as well.

Yes sir- thanks! I notice that sometimes the flight conditions rectangle shows clouds, thunderstorms, etc., but that I fall in the 80% situation once the flight loads.

I’ll add that when it works properly, I sit in 29.92 and clear skies on the ramp for about 1-5 minutes, and then the weather just instantly changes.

I keep thinking it’s a data problem, hence my checking my firewall and internet settings.

Very frustrating!


Hi all, please do not use this topic to report an outage of Live Weather. A banner is on the forum. Updates to this will come as an announcement in #community:news-and-announcements

Thank you.

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Hi! The exact same thing has happened to me since yesterday, thanks for reporting the problem

What I know is this; at the beginning, they used weather a lot to show off this product.
A year + later nothing seams to work very well for this part of the sim. Don’t take me wrong, this is a fantastic sim that I waited years to see coming! But flying online (vatsim) and wind direction never seams to be the same or even close and you end up landing with the wind at the back, not good!! As real as it get is not this!! So we know that they know, but I’m not sure anymore this will be fix correctly in the future. the whole idea seams dead to me from the beginning. What is the solution for the weather to be as real as it can be, I don’t have a clue if it’s even possible as the sim was build upon.

Just my 2 cents!! I have been simming for 35 years and I can say as it is right now with all the issues, this is still very enjoyable product!!


I have the same problem as well Since yesterday morning. Occasinally its wokiung but ONLY in chicago, very strange.
Im new to MSFS2020, how often ein how long do this outages occur?

I think, if Asobo/MS is unable/ not willing to fix all the weather problems, its ok, but then, they should open up the Weather system for third Party developers, Im pretty sure, they will do much better then Asobo… Hifi for example did an excellent job for the last 10 Jears.

This won’t last long…

Well said - I too have been using MSFS for over two decades and can’t say enough about how great this latest edition is. But the realism immersion comes with the weather. I resorted to a weather add-on with FSX, and I hope to not have to do the same here if it can be fixed.

Again I rollback, how I miss SU4.

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It is really shameful that as of today the weather has not been fixed yet! In addition to the previously known problems, those of recent days that cause CTDs have been added. They are shameful!

same for me same weather all the time across different countries or even continents. Same wind forces at all levels…

It’s working now…

Sorry for my question, i’m a new simmer. What is SU4?

I did four flights tonight, I got the right live weather only once.
The three others were clear sky without any clouds.

It’s not fixed at all.

I’ve done 2 flights today, Hong Kong to Macau, and southern Pakistan, and both had absolutely spot on weather, not simply towering cumulus but even some high level cirrusy type clouds (not perfect), and some nice thick layers. I’m wondering if something else has been fixed server side…