Photogrammetry on, blurry objects, photogrammetry off, high quality objects

Hi everyone,
I don’t know what’s wrong with my sim, or is it my internet, I’m having a weird situation. Below is the image when I turn on the photogrammetry, as you can see objects seem to be quite blurry and melted. This is Frankfurt downtown.

Below image is when I turn photogrammetry off, as you can see objects are much sharper.

My internet speed is 100 mbit, and my desktop is connected via ethernet. No matter how long I wait, if the photogrammetry is on, objects never get sharper same as when I turn the photogrammetry off.

Below are my settings:

Everything is on ultra. Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Personal Comments and Observations

Because it replaced Photogrammetery, which is intended to look good at a distance, with Autogen (which now has region specific buildings as assets to be deployed as the AI sees fit).

Autogen will hold up at any distance because it’s built from the ground up as a generic building that can be reused and recolored as needed.

PG was captured at a certain distance and is intended to be viewed as such.

If you want the best examples so far of Photogrammetery, load major cities like Sydney and Melbourne in the Australia World update. The skylines actually hold shape at any distance and don’t revert back to polygons (i.e., pyramids, rectangular blocks) at a distance and then morph as you get closer.

It’s just the nature of the scenery types.And as World Updates come and go, you find the general trend is that they get better over time, barring circumstances like London and Toronto (which Jorg admitted in past Q&As that the PG quality wasn’t quite what they were expecting - so those exceptions are probably good candidates for future City Updates).


First of all many thanks for your input !

Does this mean this is done by design then ?
When photogrammetry is on, definitely around 36000ft, ground textures, objects look awesome, if I turn it off, then the quality reduces significantly. That’s why at high altitudes, I always keep photogrammetry on.
But on the other hand, I find this a bit dissapointing. I feel like I will have to switch between on/off depending on my altitude. Of course I can also understand this will change by time but I don’t know, I thought, maybe this was my ignorance, whole idea about the photogrammetry was to have sharper textures and even more correct structuring rather than relying on AI to generate those.

These are my honest opinions of course, in summary, I thought photogrammetry was meant to fix blurriness, but never though it was intended for high altitudes :slight_smile:

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No, Photogrammetery is a 3D rendering of an object or space taken by multiple overlapping 2D photos from various angles. It was never intended to hold up to extreme close inspection the way that Autogen or even a hand-drawn Point of Interest (i.e., the Eiffel Tower) would.

As mentioned - see my thread about Melbourne AU. This is what good photogrammetry looks like, even up close. But it varies because MS has to source PG from providers who have the data. Not all of them are as good as others.

Compare the skyline shots in that thread to what you see at a distance for other major cities from other World Updates and you can see right away the vast difference. Oftentimes the skyline in other WUs won’t even appear at far distances - here it holds up all the way to LOS limits. Other cities will often degrade into a collection of pyramids, cones and rectangles - here it still is clearly recognizable as a city.

Unfortunately, it will vary by World Update.

Ah this is clear. I just checked your topic and understood what you mean. Also I’ve just checked Barcelona, where I believe also photogrammetry exists, also looks quite good when photogrammetry is on. As you mention, this depends on the source then.

Well, this is clear then actually. It will only get better WUs by WUs or CUs by CUs, until then, it’s free of choice of everyone whether they wanna use photogrammetry on/off I guess :slight_smile:

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I‘m pretty sure PG got worse for me beginning of this year. I didn‘t touch MSFS for 5 months now because I only saw this blurry mess. My standard airports are EDDF and for GA EDFM. Both cities were great with PG until January and then something changed, maybe the servers not delivering data fast enough, idk.
Today was my first flight with MSFS since that, it was still a blurry mess and then it came into my mind that ist‘s because of PG. And I found the exact same like you, without everything looks good even though the buildings are now generic.
That was definitely not the case last year.

I actually made a wish for something that could make it better if you mix photogrammetry and AI to get clean and crisp texture while having the overall shape of the buildings and custom 3d models.
A mix between photogrammetry and procedural building with AI - Microsoft Flight Simulator / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums