I would have liked to post in this aircraft release notice,however because of the 30 days rule that has been closed,pity.Maybe aircraft release could be exempted!
Anyway, is this radio with no ATC being looked at by the folks who made this plane?
I would have liked to post in this aircraft release notice,however because of the 30 days rule that has been closed,pity.Maybe aircraft release could be exempted!
Anyway, is this radio with no ATC being looked at by the folks who made this plane?
Turn the volume up. The P.149 starts with it at zero every time.
I think it still makes the COM1 volume zero on other planes during the same session, too. But again, fixable by just turning the volume up.
Thanks will give this a go.Do you know if this plane will get any more fixes ?
It has received exactly one update since it was released and since then it has been left untouched with a small list of issues while the dev began work on an AN-2, which apparently was coming via Microsoft but then delayed due to licensing. It’s such a frustrating addon because it’s a good little plane that has a few issues preventing it from being a great plane due to developer indifference.
Totally concur with that .This plane is so good looking and so many neat features.
I’m not holding my breath for any updates in the near future. Dev has kind of gone quiet since he made a deal with Asobo to develop the AN2 for them (and no word on that since the summer). No fixes for the Cri-Cri either, although there isn’t much that needs to be done with that one.
The P.149 is perfectly flyable and a good aircraft, but it has all sorts of tiny little annoyances (like the radio volume) that keep it from being spectacular. The dev (Alex) clearly has skill, and if he ever returns to the P.149 I’m sure he’ll get all the fixes done (assuming the sim allows them to be made), but no idea when that might happen.