Pico 4 set up for MSFS?

Hello guys, I am surprised with the amount oft tweaking options that exits to set up a VR headset, in my case the Pico 4. I am aware that there are some relevant YouTube channels out there such as VRSimguy or Simhanger) that explain how to setup the pico 4 for Msfs.

But, where is all this information available in case I want to figure out things by myself? I am looking for something like a user guide specifically now for the Pico 4 but I am not finding anything yet, besides each user having their own set up.

How do I known which settings I shall change inside the pico 4 home settings?

Which settings shall I changed in Virtual Desktop?

Which ones in Steam VR?

Which ones is OpenXR Developement tool kit?

And finally which ones in MSFS directly?

It can be daunting to set up a VR experience nowadays :face_with_monocle:

I appreciate any feedback! :blush:

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