Wish another dev would bring us new reneditions og Wycombe, Bristol,etc that PilotPlus abandoned.
It’s a shame as PP really are exceptional modellers. Their building textures are especially good. London Oxford is one of my favorite 2020 airports in the UK.
Although I agree with you about the downfall of Orbx lately, this one’s out of their hands if the dev is no longer active.
I have just heard from Orbx regard PilotPlus sceneries MSFS 2024 compatibility.
Update: January 16th, 2025
Added PilotPlus EGFH Swansea Airport,
Added PilotPlus EGGD Bristol Airport,
Added PilotPlus EGTK London Oxford Airport,
Added PilotPlus EGKB London Biggin Hill Airport,
EGTB Wycombe Airport and EGMC Southend Airport still require updates
At last my COWS DA42 will feel at home at London Oxford.
Just double checking please: this “compatibility” purely means Orbx have added those to the 2024 section of their store, so you can now download and install them - they are sctually not new files/versions in any way, correct?
"PilotPlus has responded and the following products are now available for MSFS 2024 (Compatible Only):
EGFH Swansea Airport, EGGD Bristol Airport, EGTK London Oxford Airport, EGKB London Biggin Hill Airport.
EGTB Wycombe Airport and EGMC Southend Airport still require updates for them to work so they will send them to me once completed."
This is from the Orbx forums, which is great news, as it means PilotPlus will at least upgrade their airports to be MS2024 compatible!
Weird I just contacted PP (3 Feb 25) as I had run out of licence installs and they replied within a day and I have got Oxford and Bristol running again in 2024. Maybe it was a Bot though…
Really? I loaded into Oxford last night and it was a mess. Autogen trees and buildings where they shouldn’t be and the taxiways are all incorrect surfaces etc.
Are you saying you’re not seeing the same thing? Have I missed an update?
No problems here. Perhaps another addon is causing issues with it!
I don’t know what is going on then. I’ve recently got a new PC and reinstalled everything from scratch and it’s the same thing.
I have it from the ORBX store and they mark it as 2024 compatible but it is anything but. I’m baffled how we can be seeing two totally different things here. I have odd looking taxiways with no markings, no holding points, no parking stands, trees and buildings where there should be none, a splodge of a runway with no markings etc. I’ve submitted 2 tickets to PP and they’ve not responded to them.
FYI, my copy was purchased direct from Burning Blue!
Hi, Is this the same Jetwash I know from TSW?
I have this scenery that is 2024 compatible to be honest I have only flown it once and then I was having issues with the COWS DA42 which took over somewhat. The next time I am on FS2024 I will check this out. I am still waiting for Wycombe Air Park so I can fly my gliders from Booker Gliding club.
It is indeed
Thanks for looking. Something definitely isn’t right with the copy I’m getting from the ORBX store.
This is what I’m seeing. In no way, shape or form is this compatible! Yes the buildings are there but the rest of the airport is nothing like it should be.
It’s also got weird autogen trees and rock type elements and the grass looks like scrubland. This is not at all how this airport looks in 2020 so I can’t see how this has been declared ‘compatible’.