Pimax Crystal - Override Resolution

I am seeing a lot of advice to override the resolution using the OpenXR Toolkit when using the Pimax Crystal.

The advice is to set it to 3500 x 4142

But in the toolkit this is labeled as ‘per eye’ and the Crystal’s overall resolution (both eyes) is 5760 x2880.

So I dont understand the above advice - both the vertical and horizontal overides seem too high.

It does ‘work’, but can someone explain?

It might very well be that the Crystal is requesting some crazy big numbers way beyond its actual resolution, and these need to be tempered. But are the numbers still too big - or are these required to account for VR distortion etc?

Additional resolution is required to compensate for the lens distortion. The projected image must be “counter-distored” then the lens will apply the “lens-distortion” and in the result you will have proper image. Application of this “counter-distortion” requires resolution above native panel display.

Thanks stekusteku

Presumably this is trial and error - or are there recommended factors to increase by for a given native resolution and headset?

For Crystal 3500 x 4142 is the middle ground. If you have 4090 and you prefer DLSS and FPS at 45, you can experimentally go higher and observe the FPS impact.
If you prefer super crisp image and TAA, you will probably not be able to go higher while still keeping 40+ FPS consistently in dense sceneries.
Dynamic foveated rendering/eye tracking, when finally released by Pimax, will probably improve FPS by at least 10%, this will be another opportunity to crank the resolution up.

Why should 40fps+ be the target? Crystal can’t run 80hz, right? For 90hz, 45fps should be the target.

If you want 45 FPS you will need to go down with the resolution or some GPU-heavy settings. If you want to use motion smoothing (Pimax name for motion reprojection) you will be targeting your settings to always be above 45 FPS, then motion smoothing will lock the FPS at 45 FPS (1/2 of 90 Hz). I don’t use motion smoothing so I can settle at any FPS I like. I prefer crisp image over FPS so I find 40 FPS acceptable. It’s very subjective, fortunately you can set the parameters which suit you.

Sure, I can’t stand motion smoothing either.

But any fps that isn’t at full or half the refresh rates causes really bad stuttering/rubber banding for me, this has been the case on every HMD I’ve owned. Does that not bother you or are you somehow not seeing that effect?

Otherwise I’d be running at 60fps+ or so, but that just doesn’t work for me at 90hz, it’s s not tolerable unfortunately.

Don’t fully understand how, but I get much higher FPS with the PIMAX - maybe its the aspherical lenses needing less ‘wrap’ for VR - so less res required?

So typially 40-60+ is not unsual.

At the lower end, not being an exact fraction of 90 does manifest - but its not that bad, even without a properly functioninhg ‘smoothing’ function.

It’s also not clear to me whether eye tracking foviated rendering is working or not. I have it ‘on’ but there doesnt seem to be an easy way to tell whether it’s doing anything.

I have been testing in the Pyrenees, north west of Barcelona - very beautiful, breathtaking flying. Visually, it pops a lot more than the G2.

Eye tracked foveated rendering (dynamic foveated rendering) requires beta version of Pimax software, not yet released to the general public. Are you on the beta?
If not, you are probably using fixed foveated rendering (without eye tracking) which has very subtle effect, if any.

Does that include the Open XR Pimax switcher as well - the eye tracking there will only work for the beta version?

For DFR on Crystal you need the new firmware from Pimax, which will enable eye tracking. Release date unknown.