Pimax Crystal sudden issues, often exit VR mode in MSFS, MSFS hangs, headset freezes/black screen on exit?

Im having a beast of a time in the last few days with my headset, its about 11 months old, nearly out of warranty (i have submitted a ticket to pimax)
Things were mostly great till a day ago, no changes to the system (14900k + 4090oc, win 11 hags mode on, pimaxxr openxr mode ), i’ve also powered things down tried another usb 3.2 port etc

  1. Often now, if i exit vr mode in msfs (even a clean community folder) msfs will freeze, cant click anything, unless you file exit pimax or reset the headset, the headset view either goes black or garbled.
  2. This has been a few weeks, the headset fails to charge over usb, have to swap batteries
  3. Often i cant even get vr mode with or without msfs to work right, headset planet view will just move away and spin, tracking seems botched (only fix is to pull the battery and put back in)

About the only thing i can think of is that i have the tobii tracker , but its unplugged, unless on a restart the service is somehow interfering, but i had also disabled that (will recheck this but its a small probably at least for 1 issue, though not sure why a battery pull would cure tracking)

Anyone ran into these issues before?

Thanks in advance