Pitts S2S / aircraft still moves on idle

I increased the HP for the Pitts S2S, everything its fine but when I’m on ground, with throttle and RPM controller on idle, the aircraft keeps moving
Someone adviced me to play with those settings

idle_rpm_friction_scalar = 1 ; Scalar on idle RPM friction
idle_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar = 1
I tried to reduce the mechanical efficiency scalar and increase the friction scalar
I tried with both, one by one, and both at the same time but no luck
The aircraft is still moving even with on idle, or, if I use different values, the propeller stops spinning
Do you have any advices, guys ?
Is there a way to fix this?
Thank you in advance

I don’t know what parameters will accomplish what you are after but in the Pitts I have flown, the parameter you are after is, BRAKES. On smooth, flat surfaces, the Pitts is going to roll when the chocks are out and the brakes are released.

But when I use the default values, the aircraft doesn’t roll, on idle, and without using the brakes

What does that have to do with what Will said?

Those would seem to be contradictory…

Maybe i didn’t express myself clearly, excuse me
I fly the Pitts S2S, no modifying, nothing
I’m on the ground, throttle and RPM are 0 - idle
The aircraft is not moving. Engine ON. Aircraft is still…

Now, I modify the HP. Increased a bit
I’m on ground, throttle and RPM are 0 - idle
The aircraft is moving, 15-20-25 kn.
I need to press the brake
Is there a way to use the modified HP but the aircraft should stay still when I’m on ground, with throttle and RPM 0 - idle ?

That was kind of my original point. If the SIM Pitts is modelled closely to the real Pitts then an increase in HP is going to result in ‘more’ autonomous rolling when brakes are released, because the real one WILL roll without an increase.

If I was to beef up the engine on a real Pitts it is going to roll more than it does now.

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Okay, I understand perfectly what you mean
When I use it without the HP modification ( Asobo values ) the aircraft is not moving when idle
That’s the question : is there a way to fix this, when I have the HP modified?
Thank you

If these values don’t bring the idle RPM done enough you can try decreasing the minimum propeller blade angle
In case of the Pitts from beta_min = 15 to e.g. 10deg.
(Most likely you have to increase the friction values afterwards)

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Thank you so much, I’ll try it

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I tried exactly as you suggested but is not working
Same story.

What were the initial changes you made to increase HP?

You know that you need to exit MSFS and restart it after most cfg modifications for the changes to become effective?

(I’d like to help you by experimenting myself, but the sim restart requirement this is a no-go)

I’m using Dev Mode, when I try things like this
I found a solution.
Downloaded a mod for the Pitts S2S, and little by little I modified the HP, etc
Now is working okay
Thank you

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How did you open the Pitts in dev mode?

Please keep questions about mods in the Third Party Addon Discussion > Aircraft section. I have moved your post there.
I have also altered your title so that people can understand what this topic is about.

I don’t understand your question
Just put ON, the developer mode, that’s it