Pixelplanes Piper PA-32

Unless I’ve missed it, I can’t find another post about this plane. Anybody have any experience to share with the new plane? Worth the buy, yay/nay? Pros & Cons? I can’t find anything anywhere about this plane, maybe that’s my answer possibly but figured I’d see what others thought.

My understanding (having not purchased any of their products) is that they are very light on depth and features. Their DoubleEnder was a disaster. Their Breezer has 3.7/5 on the Marketplace currently. They advertise this one as being simple and forgiving which I read as “unrealistic and arcadey” so I’ll personally pass, but for folks who are less concerned with fidelity, it does look decent and isn’t a bad price.


Much appreciated, those were my fears also from the advertisement. Think I’ll pass for the moment too. The price is what almost made me jump but I’ve got too many 10-20$ planes I don’t fly as is.

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That’s where I’m at with it as well. I’ll at least hold out for a video review to get a better idea. I’m always excited when a new Piper releases because we don’t see many of them in MSFS, but I’m too spoiled by even the mid-range single engines I have for what I assume the quality is here. Open to being proven wrong, though!

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Well, I took the jump. It’s not a bad plane, but I don’t know if it’s worth 15$. Lots of potential imo, depending on if the dev will continue to update. Seems like minimal simulation of most systems. Example: Air Con switch is usable as is fan high/low, but it doesn’t matter what altitude your at or if both are on, cabin temp doesn’t move. Also seems like no matter how hard I push the engine once I’m actually climbing, the temps don’t really wanna move.
The flight dynamics are also wonky, but maybe that’s just me being bad at flying lol. It is an absolute rocket, even at well below what you’d think power settings. The autopilot is a little hard to control and I couldn’t figure out how to get the altitude correct, it requires the AP switch flipped before you can modify the little screen and it begins counting FL at an odd number for me, so I can’t set an even FL 100 for example. All of the above is very fixable I’d imagine/hope, so I would recommend it IF it gets updated. As it currently exists it’s a lot of systems displayed but not simulated and that really sucks imo.

P.S forgive my very poor grammar and sentence structure, I just wanted to possibly warn/inform others and possibly grab the dev’s attention to issues people have with the plane. I know it’s not Blacksquare or Justflight, but I’d still expect atleast what Carenado does for similar prices. In my opinion it doesn’t currently even meet that standard.

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How is the sound, is it using default package?

Best I can tell, yes. I’ve not flown it extensively, I could be wrong. It’s a good plane in theory lol, I really hope it gets an update by the dev. Though based on the fellow above me, I press X for doubt. (would love to be proved wrong though!)

I agree with what you say - but because I was once an owner of a PA 32
and this is the offspring - I wanted one in 2020 having had one in P3D and XP11
I like it - not study - and maybe - as you say - more might come - hopefully.
Sooner or later - U tube will pick it up

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I don’t know guys. I really like this plane. Does it have room for improvement? Definitely. However, I think it has less room for improvement than a lot of the other planes on 2020.
One thing they got spot on is the amount of right rudder input needed to counteract the turbo engine on takeoff. The flying dynamics are excellent IMO. It’s not as heavy feeling as the real PA-32 but that maybe due to the turbo engine, which I have not experienced in real life in this plane. When I first flew a SR22T, it needed an enormous amount of right rudder and leaped of the runway. Also, most of my limited experience have been in the Cherokee 6 with the hershey bar wing.
I have some experience with the STEC 55X when I flew the Cirrus a decade and a half ago but I can’t remember if that unit had altitude pre select. I believe it did. I don’t think this autopilot does or I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.
On climb, I seem to have to input more elevator trim than usual to keep the nose up.
Overall, I think its an excellent bargain for the money.