Planes in career mode

Seems I was wrong about one thing.
There is a lot of new missions and aircraft usable.
This was added today.

Let`s hope the planes are flyable.


No water landing missions other than scooping, so no Albatross.

Im bracing myself for the incoming deluge of complaints, since they added at least one plane thats completely broken. Won`t get fixed before next week.

Which plane is completely broken?

PC-24. Planned fixed in patch 3.

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The saab340 is now available in career mode but it is completely bugged out, on the 5 missions i have testet you instantly fail the missions because when you spawn in the plane is not facing the gate and then you get an fail message that the ground procedures Arent done correctly and kicks you back to the menu screen

i like the G2 i think its very underrated

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Yeah they just added it, some planes others makes you fail the missions once you spawn in. They have added the new ones half baked

I don’t yet have a company so need to ask 
 when I start the company and want to choose my first aircraft, can I choose the “Basic” C172, that is the version with the classic panel? (I can select that one in Free Flight).

In my early “Career” I must fly the G1000 172, and am so frustrated that it won’t let me fly the preferred classic panel.

I think not - you have a certain “set” of planes you can choose from - the C172 being the lowest level one. afaik it has glass cockpit.

It is most definitely glass and you want to buy it because it is so heavily discounted.

That is my point - I DON’T want to buy the glass 172! I want the 172 with the classic, analog panel. Sigh

Just as well we still have NeoFly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you purchased a used plane in real life you would be able to take off the decals of any old company and put on your own