If I start cesna 172 , DA62, Beechcraft King Air C90 or C408 in the air and I do NOTHING do those planes very slowly turn left.
First I assumed this was a joystick issue BUT when I unplugged my joystick and used a xbox controller got I the exact same effect, I even got it when I only plugged keyboard in.
Kolpoos, have you made any progress with this? I am having the same problem. Every “pilot” wants to say this is P-Factor…I am an IRL Commercial Pilot….THIS IS NOT P-FACTOR or any other left-turning tendency …This is a steady banking drift to left…it is not power or AoA dependent. Also, when you revert to the legacy flight model and disable P-factor the problem is still present. This is a legitimate bug
The real Cessna 172 in level flight flies straight and doesn’t require constant correction from the yoke. It’s a bug or excessive p factor being applied by the sim.
I find it exhausting in MSFS 2024 to the point i have thought about putting a weight on my yoke.
There’s a fuel selector on those planes.
If you don’t alter from the right tank to the left ( and vice versa from time to time) the birds will start to bank towards the direction of the heaviest tank.