Several errors have been reported in a lot of places, from weird reflections on the coockpits of migrated 2020 aircraft to 2024, passing through basic things not working like loading the airplane in the EFB, up to native aircraft not working properly or not working at all (steam gauge 172 can’t be started for example, several systems aren’t modeled at all or have errors like on the SkyCourier, etc.).
So far all we know for the next patch is that it will allow us to deactivate 2020 non-aircraft content. Now, aside that, can we have a better and more thorough communication?
I’m not going to say that we feel scammed, but at least seriously deceived. The game obviously wasn’t ready for release, and we currently feel we are paying to be beta testers. And we feel somewhat treated with little respect when we read statements like “everything works and it’s the best sim experience we did, it was a server issue”, when everywhere you look there are errors, from nuisances to huge things.
It would be great to have a “correction and fixes path”, but at least, knowing what will be tackled on next patch would be good for the community (the same community that, with all their hard work, made FS2020 what it is, and paradoxically, now feels completely disregarded considering we aren’t even able to create a livey).