Please help how do i get rid of these ugly generic ai airliners

Hi - 2 questions:
Is there a way to replace the ugly generic A.I. airliners with ones with real liveries? Or simply delete them?
Also I have numerous A32NX nice liveries (thanks to the authors), I can see them at parking, gates, but never flying…
Not sure how to set my traffic settings as it should be …
sorry about the maybe candid questions
Any help would be appreciated

Have a look under Options/General/Traffic " Use Generic Plane Models (AI Traffic) OFF

That should do what you want.


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Thanks Scott
I’ll give it a try but I assume this will remove all AI traffic ?

No it will not.

What does this setting do exactly?

It replaces the default lower textures from the AI or Multiplayer traffic with custom ones.So you will see AI traffic with your downloaded liveries.


Only if the livery has icao_airline in the cfg.

Chaezaa you mean atc_airline
all my liveries have the following (example here Eurowings)
atc_airline = “eurowings” ; airline name
isAirTraffic=1 ; Is the plane usable for air traffic

and I never have seen anyone of them flying

I have this issue too, i have many liveries for anything which is available and i’ve never seen them used on the AI planes, except for parked ones. Even with this change in the cfg file.

Should I be wrong, by saying I have them seen flying?? I won’t swear.


Yes but if they don’t fly and if I turn generic OFF what will remain of the flying traffic?

You’ll see few a320 flying with liveries sporadically. Just last week I saw 2 a320 Lufthansa landing and taxi to gate at Munich airport, but it’s very rare

happened to me also, very rarely

The setting is about generic “models” and setting it to OFF will result in the detailed matching models (and if possible liveries) to be used for AI and/or mutliplayer aircraft.

The wording is a bit weird, it’s like double negation. But setting them to ON will cause many times a quite low detailed model with a few very basic ugly liveries to spawn.

To remove the various aircraft, there are other settings in the Traffic options, it’s the realtime/ai/off option and the “ground aircraft density” slider.
The slider affects how many inactive aircraft you’ll see at the gates/ramp. Setting it to 0 will only spawn active aircraft.

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yes makes sense
I tried with zero ground airplanes and generic OFF in the settings but still couldn’t see any planes flying
very strange indeed

No, atc_airline is the call sign for the radio. The FLTSIM needs icao_airline in order to match an airline with the correct livery.

ok got you! I’ll give it a look

Another thing is that if you are turning generic for traffic off the game will use isUserSelectable = 1 entries for traffic but ONLY for the correct airplane. Your A320 will only show up if there is an A320 flying in real life. In order to use the A320 for ALL twin engine jets you need to place icao_generic = 1 in the [GENERAL] section of the MAIN aircraft.cfg

I will try that
thanks for your help

Multiplayer aircraft are prioritized, so if there are many of them in a quite big radius, the sim won’t add realtime or AI aircraft.
They share a common limit with the realtime/AI having lower priority.

Try disabling multiplayer (in Data Options).
If using realtime, it might take some time for them to be spawned. When using AI offline traffic, the sim spawns them immediately (and you can use the slider in the traffic options how much of them).
On my last try at LFPG, most spawned AI were generic aircraft though.

First make sure you get any traffic at all, then try out if you get proper models and liveries.

Use LittleNavMap to see the traffic as orange icons (does not show multiplayer), there you can also check all details like aircraft type, airline etc.