Please Release the game now!

Hey Microsoft :slight_smile:
It was a nice joke now on 18.8 that u show us the alpha. We all laught. But now it’s time to release the MS2020 please :slight_smile: thanks

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Can you tell us what made you say this? I have been in the alpha, so I am curious what makes you say that the current version is incomplete.


Please remember to stay away from discussing the Alpha/ Closed Beta versions. Official Microsoft statement about it here.


Ah okay this is really the endgame (release). They wanna joking us right ? Please say me I am right.
After 10 years this project ? With Stonehenge Manhattan( more areas not only manhatten), jumping cars, autopilot bug on all aircrafts, low download speed on scenery download, crashes, houses in the earth?
Come on the joke isn’t funny anymore.

Yes I don’t want to discussing alpha, but i think it’s the alpha isn’t it?

Your comments are spam, thats sure.

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Why it should be spam ? U think I am sign up with my Microsoft account only to spam ??

People who call other people’s opinion “spam” should just go away.

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The instant gratification is strong with this one young Padawan.

Another useful thread


We already have a thread:

Open new ones is called spam.

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Yes. And if not use existing threads.

Come on go home. hope for you Microsoft will kick u out . What u do isn’t good for Microsoft if someone handle like u with costumer. Alpha insider , you shouldn’t get any alpha key more.