The most frustrating thing for me is to tune an airport ATIS about 80 nm out for latest runway. Setup navigation and descent plan only to have ATC use a totally different runway once contacted to land.
I may be doing this all wrong but I do not use arrival airport and ATC on startup. I startup cold and dark at the gate. Destination airport is entered into FMC but not approach or runway. I use com-2 for ATIS information about 90nm out. About 50 nm out I can generally contact the airport for final landing instructions. More often than not the airport generally shows up about 35 nm out. Rarely have I ever been given the same runway from ATC that is given with ATIS.
I’m probably overreacting but it should not be that hard for both systems to read from the same table.
Sure, i only fly on vatsim. But that is no excuse to not fix ATC. And the smsll airports in the oregon/washington area are never online anyway, so vatsim atc does worse than ingame up there, lol