PMDG 737-800 ILS Issue

I’m having an issue maintaining ILS on final. This has happened multiple times, and likely something incorrect in my procedures, however in all other implementations of Boeing, and specifically 737s I usually have no issues. Here’s the sequence.

I’m established on final, at or below required altitude, I’ve got GS and LOC in APPR mode, CMD single and everything looks good. Speed is OK, I’m descending, I’m lowering flaps, speed is reducing via AT, I have REF flaps and speed set. About halfway through final approach, the AC pitches up, and thrust and speed increase. Huh? Any clues what could be causing this?

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If you go over to the PMDG forum, there’s a lot of discussion about this topic.

It was supposed to be resolved with the last update but I had an instance where AT went nuts on descent below 10k ft after the update. AP in general seemed to have some issues too.

The solution is to reinstall using steps provided by one of the beta testers. I still have to try it.

Hope this helps.

Thanks. Geez…almost every aircraft I’m using or trying to use in MSFS has serious issues for study level pilots. I thought a payware from PMDG would be higher quality - and it is in many ways. It’s probably harder developing in the MSFS environment than other sims given all the updates and lack of access and control of various aspects of the sim.

And PMDG forum… I registered on the site 8 months ago or so, but it tells me that I’m not authorized to view or post anything. I’ve emailed the web support team a number of times and had no response - in 8 months. Driving me crazy.

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I found the procedure.

Uninstall and Delete everything* and reinstall. That fixed it for me.

Everything is:

  • stuff left over in LocalCache\Packages\Community\ (everything pmdg)
  • stuff left over in LocalState\packages\ (the whole 738 folder)
  • stuff left over in LocalCache\SimObjects\Airplanes\ (everything pmdg)
  • install again
  • update via OpCenter
  • install Navigraph


PS: your aircraft hours and panelstates will be gone and all your liveries as well. Just as a warning. Everything will be like new install. But only that helped me. And it will compile wasm again of course.

By uninstall do you mean delete the folders/files? Or is there actually an uninstall program? I would look on the PMDG forum but even though I’ve been registered there for 6 months and contacted them many times via email, I am ’ not authorized’ to view anything or post. Never seen a forum where you couldn’t view anything.

PMDG has never done support via email. I don’t know what email address you were trying to use, but any messages you sent were probably never seen.

They have a dedicated support portal at

When you go there you will see a page as shown:

If you have never used the support portal before, you will have to create an account - click on the “register” button at the top. It is not the same as your existing account used to purchase products. You can use the same user name, but the support portal will require a different password. Once you have registered, you can log in and create a trouble ticket. If you cannot connect to the forums, I am sure they can correct the problem quickly

Thanks. Creating an account in support allows me to at least view the user forum. But if I log onto the forum can’t see or post anything - not authorized. On the forum website there is a Contact Us link which is what I’ve been using to contact them to resolve this. I’ll use support to submit this issue. Probably just need to delete and recreate my account there.

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First uninstall the pmdg 737 through the Windows Programs and Features in the control panel. Then delete the folders listed above.

I also found you should uninstall Navigraph first in the Nav Mgr is you’re using it.

Thanks for the information. Having reinstalled it a number of times in the last few weeks. I’m probably just going to do what I’ve done the last 2 years with MSFS. Go back to XP for 6 months then check in with MSFS again. So far in the last 2 months of dipping back in I’ve spent most of my time troubleshooting and fixing issues - like this. Done. Thanks for helping!

Thought I was the only one. Very frustrating zero response from the “support” team.

Would be nice if they wrote a simple script to do all that in the OP centre. Customers shouldn’t have to go trawling through windows folders to completely uninstall something.